
Who has had an evil teacher?

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My 4th grade teacher is evil!!! So is my Tech teacher! How about u! Any evil teachers?




  1. I'm starting my first year this year as a 3rd grade teacher. I will try to not be evil... I don't think anyone really sets out to make kids' lives more difficult, especially seeing as how they are dedicating their lives to it. I think some teachers just handle stress badly. I do believe in bad teachers, however, I will not be one of them.

  2. I had two teachers in my senior year of high school who live to make their students miserable. One was my geometry teacher (a man) and the other was my biology teacher (a woman).

    They enjoy making students cry and feel bad about themselves.

    Good thing the students got them both fired!

  3. A teacher in room 13 used to have earthquake warnings, and if the desks weren't tidied up, she'd throw them upside down, so the kids would have to clean them up. Now that was evil.

    Another evil art teacher used to wear her ex husbands clothes to work, lie down on the art tables while teaching us, had her date of birth written on her motorcycle helmet, and used to mix powder drinks in crusty old paint jars and stir it around with dirty paint brushes!!!!!!!

  4. Oh my god my third grade teacher is so evil! She always assigned us extra homework and she called us names! and i know she still does this because my little brother has her now.

    hope this helps

    good luck....

  5. ohhhhhh my god my science teacher this year is evil and a perv.!!!!! He takes pix of us and stares at them!!!!!!!!!!

    He gives us tests on things that he never taught us. in fact he doesnt teach anything, he also tells us that our generation is responsible for all these natural disasters, just to make us feel guilty!!!!!!!!

    I hate him!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. my 1st grade teacher she was so evil that I didnt want to go to school cuz of her. One time I forgot my homework that she spank me with a ruler she send me home to pick up my homework then I told my grandma about it my grandma went to the school and told her off lol this was a long long time ago it was in mexico im 21 now . She was still evil to the other except to me after my grandma told her off lol.

  7. One of my 8th grade teachers was mean. We got into a fist fight. One of my 7th grade teacher was even mean, but she was a gurl so we couldn't fight =)

    **** Mink 24 - I few years ago, I was working in the house of a 5th grade teacher. Pure evil. The teach had stated something in class, referring to something " religious " as mythology, trying to be politically correct. The kid went home, told M & D, and of course they made a big fuss. I can understand being upset, but I think that kind of stuff will occur in a teaching career and teachers need to be mature about the situation. After the fact, this teach told me she went out of her way to make sure that kid fails her class . Now that is Evil =P ****

  8. MY 3rd grade teacher! SHE WAS SOOOO MEAN. she called us 8 year olds retards and everything

  9. Yepy!!  names:  Delma, and Lupercio, but Delma is no more my teacher she is my ex-teacher lol.I remember that once I gave her a draw, made by myself, she looked at it as itt was, she said:"I am no blonde.", with eyes that would make "The Rock" cry, but I held it till I ge in my home hahaha and cryed on my pillow, but that's no the reason why she is bad haha!!!"Well, Lupercio is bad cause he is soooooooo...bad ¬¬ cause I will have o wake up early in the morning, like 4:00!!! grrrr

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