
Who has had castor oil?

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I am due to have my baby girl Oceana in 9 days and want to hurry things along as i am in to much pain....i tryed castor oil and primrose oil and rasberry tea but nothing at all happend...have u had castor oil and did it work or not? what else could i do to go into labour? ive also tryed walking but nothing




  1. I know that castor oil will make your bowels move fast!  I don't think it will help with labor though.  What kind of pain are you in?  I tried walking to hurry labor along and it does help to move the baby down by gravity.  They just come when it's time.  Good luck

  2. You biggest concern should not be castor oil.  

  3. I did the castor oil. Not fun! It didn't help me go into labor at all. Actually I went in to be induced (1day late on doctors orders) and even that didn't do anything! Got to 4cm and stopped. Had to have a c-section. Try to wait it out. The baby will come when he/she is ready.

  4. Don't ever take castor oil again.  It can cause the baby to pass a bowel in utero, which then can get into his/her lungs and cause respiratory distress.

    Nipple stimulation may hasten things along, but use caution as it can cause strong contractions.  To be honest though, I had tried it and nothing happened.  You'll just have to either late nature take it's course or convince a doctor to give you pitocin or a c-section.

  5. Clean your house, that is a sure sign of getting ready to have it.  Even if it is already clean.  My friends say that works.

  6. Nothing!

    No magical tea, no magical oil and no magical pressing point will coerce that baby out.

    You really can't speed it up, if it does not want to be sped up, things can only be helped along IF they have begun naturally!

    Plus, castor oil can give you diarrhea AND can be unhealthy for the unborn baby.

    P.S, I don't mean for it to sound disrespectful, but how do you pronounce your future child's name?

    Like is it really just ocean with an 'ah' on the end, or something like Oh-see-arn-a?

    Judging by your English and use of Kilos instead of pounds, I assume your either Australian or from the UK, I'm in Australia, and just wondering how it is supposed to sound.

  7. I tried that Castor Oil thing during my 2nd pregnancy too...I didn't get anything but the squirts.

  8. Lay warm wash clothes on your breast

  9. I've heard that if you massage the spot BELOW your ankle bone and ABOVE your heel bone that it will send you into labor...good luck!

  10. Keep walking, you haven't been walking enough. Stay away from castor oil, can cause real problems.

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