
Who has heard that Abe Lincoln was a mixed race president favoring black liberation?

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  1. no he disliked blk ppl

  2. He loved to talk black jokes

  3. Lol, I just studied him, and Lincoln actually didn't even like black people.  He just believed that they shouldn't be treated like animals, and the South shouldn't get their vote.

  4. Abe was neither. He freed the slaves as punishment against the south for trying to break away from the Union.  

  5. For the 1st post She must of studied him in public schools They said that he had black in him because of his feeling about slavery Much like later they would have called him a ***### lover

    Wow these post are unbelievable

    Mr Lincoln said it was a mistake to bring black slaves to America and if he could ship them back he would he went on to say that the most important thing to him was keeping the union together and that a free nation could not exist if it kept some of it's people in slavery

    Few years back they said he was g*y as he slept in same bed with other man They did that at that time as they did not have central heating

    We must do something about our public schools

    The south seceded from the union because of slavery Mr Lincoln did not free the slaves until  a few years into the war as he did not want to upset states that had not seceded and still had slave i e Maryland

    Ask them about blacks being counted as 3/5 of a man which was a northern proposal Bet they say it was racist

    It was to keep the southern members of the house down

    Low population==few southerns in the house

    I'll bet the farm these three ill informed people are Obama supporters

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