I just received a ticket in the mail today. It's one that was taken by a video camera. It says I had not stopped completely at a red light before turning left. Upon further inspection of the pictures which have your location, vehicle speed and such information on it, I realized it was completely wrong. There are two pictures. In both pictures the lights are green! The first picture says I am driving at 17 miles an hour, just starting to turn a corner. The second picture shows me driving away from the corner. It's about 15 feet and it says the second picture was 89 seconds later than the first.
There is no way it's possible to be driving 17 miles an hour and take 89 seconds to get around a 15 foot street corner. Also,, the light is obviously green in the pictures.
I am going to contest the ticket and appear in court. Has anyone done this before? Are they easy or hard on you? Did the officer show up?
Do these mistakes happen a lot with tickets that are photographed/video taped?
Pictures from the actual ticket are below: