
Who has it harder?

by  |  earlier

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men or women and why...this was a writing assignment in English I chose women




  1. What hard part are You talking about?

  2. If both are putting forth 100% of their ability then they are equal , only the ones failed to achieve the life one can achieve through an education,and who sit back and think they are owed a living have it the hardest...because you can only buy so much crack ,and cheap beer with a government hand out ....there are men ,and women alike out there breaking their backs for a living , then there are the lazy who think we owe them a living , do not blame the past , if you waste your time blaming the past on your present then how can you find the time use the present to determine your future .....the past is over and done with....the present is here and now ...the future is what you make from living here and now

  3. Women in terms of job since they get paid about 75% of what men get paid for the same job.

    Women in terms of biology since they have menstrual cycles and the pain of labor.

    Women since many religions condemn women, for instance many of the goddesses of the Aztecs were goddesses of something such as suicide, Mary Magdalene stirred up so much debate, and the left is considered a sign of evil and of women

    Well I'm just naming a few for your paper. Men also have it hard for other reasons like s*x. It easier to get a guy off than a woman regardless of what Clerks says.

  4. Stick your hand down my pants.  Then you'll know who's harder.

  5. Women...because they have to suffer these horrible painful pain in the rear periods.  We are also the bearers of children....childbirth is very very very painful!!!!!!

    Not to mention if we want to look good it can take hours to do our hair and put on makeup, while men can just throw their hats
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