
Who has kids in the Infantry? My question is directed towards army. How difficult is it to handle?

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The question isnt directed towards parents of infantry soldiers! I should have been more specific..... d**n.... I meant who in the infantry has kids!!! how hard is it to handle being a parent in the infantry.....I am a prior service infantryman... I just didnt have kids while I was in... Now I have a daughter and I want to go back. Please answer again... Thank you....




  1. I'm infantry and my Dad was proud and my mom was devastated when I told her. I do have second thoughts about my decision though.

  2. Infantry is the job to have.  The enemy is looking for weak targets and not trying to go after a force that will fight back aggressively.  Right now truck driver is the dangerous job.  I was infantry for 5 years and MP for 7, currently a career counselor and been in 22.

  3. I don't, but I have friends who do. Mostly they tortured themselves with visions of their kids dying in Iraq or Afghanistan, long before the kids ever went to recruit training.

    The fact is, not all infantrymen go to Iraq and/or Afghanistan, and not all infantrymen in Iraq and/or Afghanistan experience combat.

    Look at the statistics: it is much more dangerous to live in Detroit than to be stationed in Iraq.

  4. my husband is Infantry in the Army. When he told his parents they were very proud he was in the Army. But his mom was and is still very worried. His step understood because Infantry promotes faster. So career wise this is a good decision. His biological father also agrees it was a good choice unless you plan on just doing your first enlistment and not re-enlisting then your career options (unless you go to college) are short listed when it comes to using your military experience. Such as police, hwy patrol, security guards and so on. All positions are dangerous in the Army but Infantry are the ones that do the main patrols and such. Best of luck and God Bless. But just so you know I am so proud of my man being in the Infantry, even though it is scary and worrisome.

  5. I'm infantry too.  It's not the worst job in the world.

  6. Make shure your child is a Christian, loves Christ and isn't in any way g*y and disapproves of evil abortion.  

  7. For chickenhawks it's impossible. Imagine how hard it is for a kid to know her dad is a coward.

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