
Who has left a high paying job because of burnout?

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If you did, let me know how it worked out. The thought process and how things are now. Thanks a mil.




  1. I sure did, I left it and that's it. Wasn't worth the time away, the gas, the extra expenditures, the baby sitting, the headaches, the having a home and never being in it..... yeah. I make 1/4th what I made before. I gave up all the stupid things rich people think they must have. I live simply, and near poverty, but we have the house, the food, and our family is healthy. Our cars suck, but they work still. I still worry about where money will come from and I am back in school for a different degree. ( Community outreach ). I really got tired of going to work and doing mundane data entry at top speed, and having ego driven overseers talking down to us all. It was such a BS job . All my education for that? To have someone 10 years younger come in my office and tell me and my roomie we were laughing too loud? s***w it. I laugh as loud as I want now. I help an elderly woman everyday, and make her home cooked meals, shop for her, help her with laundry and dishes. Since I have been with her, she has lost over 100 pounds. She looks and feels wonderful and It has been such a pleasure, and some sacrifice , to see her bloom and get well inside and out. She just bought a new wardrobe, 2 sizes smaller, and she colored her hair strawberry blond, brings out her turquoise eyes, and she wears makeup now, and her jewelry, again. I wouldn't have traded last year and this client for a million dollars.

  2. When I was much younger, I had a promising career as an actress. The schedule and regimen of trying to stay on top was killer for me.  I had to run to countless auditions daily, while making sure to take care of myself i.e. eat right , excercise, sleep well, class after class after class, studying and praying. When I would land a role, I would have to study for the role, sometimes as many as three or four roles at a time, because I felt I had to jump on everything I earned, otherwise, I felt, my reputation would go down hill. I was always tired, mentally and physically. My soul ached because "The Business" can seem so phony at times. But, I had made a lot of money. So slowly I began to ease into stage managing. Long, long hours at the theatre, dealing with a hundred people at once, different aspects of the productions,  plus having to satisfy so many different egos. Each production as different as was each role. Again, I had made a lot of money. All of this was going on as my biological clock was ticking. I had stashed away a very good portion of my earnings, and being lucky enough to have a good husband, I decided not to pursue either career, anymore. Well, I sometimes regret it, I have no money of my own and again my soul aches because I long for a career and of course there is that "what might have been" feeling. On the other hand, I have a gorgeous son, a great marriage and a very decent life. I'm almost 47 years old, but I want to become a writer. Because I need to satisfy my soul, you see? It isn't always about the money or the fame. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and over all, I'm very happy. So, we'll see what happens. Whats' going on with you?

  3. Am in the process of changing jobs from the mental health profession. I have an opportunity with a totally different line of work, and am debating if I should take less money and do something less stressful. I think in the long run, for myself, less pay doing something I enjoy beats doing something that I do not look forward to with a passion. A change of career is always a good thing if you have job burnout. In my case the job I have is sporadic and a lot of traveling, the job itself has ups and downs, and with gas ever increasing, a job closer to home that I enjoy more is going to be my move. Staying at a job with job burnout can cause your home life to suffer as well.  

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