
Who has more children, working mothers or stay-at-home moms?

by Guest58867  |  earlier

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This is a great article - long, but great:

Hint: "women who do more than 75% of the housework and child care are less likely to want to have another child than women whose husbands or partners share the load."

So...who has more children?

What is the answer to the "problem" of low birth rates? Is it a problem or an opportunity for an improvement?




  1. Hopefully those people, that are able to afford taking adequate care of them.

  2. "What is the answer to the "problem" of low birth rates?"

    Banning contraception. That would put the cat amongst the pigeons.

  3. Women in the workforce.

  4. Just about everyone I know has 2 kids, working or not.

  5. You just told us the answer.

  6. I started reading the article but stopped when I realize it was are talking about low birth rates in Europe, not comparing SAHMS and career women.

    waste of time.

  7. Well, from what I can make out from reading the Marriage and Divorce section on here, most working wives do 75% of the housework and child care at least, sometimes it seems to be 100%.  Most men are quite happy to have wives who earn money, but are much less enthusiastic about reciprocating by sharing in the housework and child care.

    In any case, as I understand it, the reason why feminists began clamouring for mothers to go out to work back in the 60s was that housework was so easy it could be knocked off in an hour or so, leaving women with too much time on their hands, so they became obsessed with naughty things like s*x,and needed something more serious to occupy their minds, like work.  Based on this theory, I wouldn't have thought that doing 75% of the housework and childcare was a problem for women, since Betty Friedan & co said it was a doddle anyway.  What went wrong?

  8. Im a stay at home mom, I home school my kids and am always ready to have hot lovin that may produce another baby!!

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