
Who has more control over the government ?

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George Bush or Nancy Pelosi ?




  1. george bush, thank god

  2. Bush is over everything . unfortunately  

  3. George Bush--or more specifically, the corporations that created him.

  4. theory is that a unified congress (house and senate) has more power than president

    unified house without the senate has probably less than the Pres

    to extent that Pelosi has control of the house (which seems to be the case) and has cooperation of Reid (also seems to be the case) and Reid has control of the senate (less certain of this) then Pelosi-Reid has more control than GWB. but that is a lot of "ifs"

    Pelosi alone has less, if the senate were strongly against her, then GWB would have clearly have more control

    but as all are in opposition, neither has much control

    as far as "privates" being under the thumb of bush, that is true, but they are not much coltrolled politically

    after Mr Clinton had been in office about 6 months, i got pretty disgusted with him being my CIC, and retired; sometimes you gotta vote with feet as best able

  5. Tricky d**k Cheney and Haliburton.

    That is my answer.

  6. well, i would like to say divided by 1/3 ...congress , president , and supreme court { judicial system }. for now, congress , because they can over-ride a veto. it could take years for anything to get through our court system , so unless it has to do with an immediate decision on an election issue..  we are pretty much stuck.  just my opinion.  

  7. Mr. Bush controls the Executive branch.  Mrs. Pelosi controls one-half of Congress.  The US government is designed to have three equal branches.  Theoretically, no one branch has more control than another.

    Mrs. Pelosi has implicit control over 225 Democrat members of Congress.  Mr. Bush has control of unknown millions of people who work for various Cabinets.  The Army private recruit who enlists tomorrow will be under Mr. Bush's control.  Mrs. Pelosi will have no influence over him under any circumstance.

  8. Neither but both are important..but Bush is the Main Man until January 20 and then McCain will be the Main man for four years anyway

  9. Right now Pelosi thinks she is in control, however, Bush can call an emergency session of congress to work out the energy bill and over ride her. In a few states where the dems were polling higher for senators, are now falling behind. Pelosi is going to end up losing control of congress. That would be a good thing so I guess we should thank her.

  10. The citizens/voters.

  11. Right now, they are pretty equal.  It may seem odd, but they need each other to get anything done.

  12. n**i Pelosi

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