
Who has more executive experience - Obama or Palin?

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Do you think potential President Obama has more executive experience or do you think potential Vice President Palin has more executive experience. Please back up your assertion with facts. Thank you.




  1. Yes. You don't think that if Palin ran for President as a Democrat she would have beat Hillary Clinton.  Obama demonstrated his executive weigh running the best campaign in American history.

  2. Let's see, the democrats worship the ground a former Governor of Arkansas (a worthless state) walk on. But, they think that a Governor of an important energy producing state, is not qualified for president. They sound dumber every day. All the candidates except Palin have zero executive experience. That is were the military comes in for McCain.

  3. Well, it's obvious to me that Palin definitely has more executive experience.  The most clear reason is the fact that she has governed a state.  

    Obama strictly has experience at the legislative level because he has only served as a senator at the state level for Illinois and currently at the federal level.

  4. Obama has 1) more preparation AND 2) relevant experience

    Obama's educational qualifications and record are unmatched by Palin...

    Obama's Political carreer combines both work in State and Federal Gov't

    Obama's Senate work includes sensitive areas that have prepared and informed him to govern as an executive on a federal level.

    Palin pales when it come to educational experience and intellect.

    Palin boasts being in charge of a "Mayberry" type township.  Palin boasts being a rookie Governor of  a State with a very small constituency,  Palin is an unknown quantity whereas OBAMA has been extensively vetted.

  5. Obama and Biden will definitely have more experience with the workings of Congress, and how to work with them to achieve their goals. Obama has proved himself to be a gifted Orator whose speeches display a probable talent for national diplomacy, though he lacks the foreign policy experience necessary (and the commander-in-chief issues) I am sure that he will surround himself with intelligent advisors who will guide him in his choices.

    Palin has a small amount of Gubanatorial experience, however, she is very ill-equipped for the sort of national diplomacy, foreign policy planning and executing, and handling a war that would be required of her if McCain popped a rivet.  I don't trust her to surround herself with advisors who will offer her objective choices based on fact as opposed to advisors who are so slavishly neo-conservative that they would put their dogma over any kind of rational choice.

  6. Palin has more executive experience being that she was governor.  But Obama isn't running against her.  

    Palin has more executive experience than McCain being that she was governor.  But he's not running against her.

    Palin has more executive experience than Biden being that she was governor, but I doubt they will split the ticket.

    So she has more executive experience than all of them...but no foreign policy.  She loses.

  7. Sarah Palin:

    Chairman Alaskan Oil and Gas Conservation Commision, 2003-2004

    Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska 1996-2002

    City Council Member, Wasilla Alaska 1992-1996

    11th Governor of Alaska 2006-present

    Heres my source:

    Barack Obama:

    Member of the Illinois Senate from the 13th District, January 8th, 1997- November 4th, 2004

    Junior Senator from Illinois, Assumed office January 4th, 2005


  8. Sarah Palin - local city council person, Mayor of her hometown, Governor of Alaska, all of which give her executive experience.

    Obama - 148 days in Congress where he accomplished NOTHING!

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