
Who has more points so far in their career?

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Crosby or Ovechkin?




  1. Ovechkin, but he has played many more games because of Sid's injury

    Crosby has a better points per game aveage

  2. Ovechkin

  3. A.O.

  4. Alexander Ovechkin has more points than Sidney Crosby so far in his career.

    Sidney Crosby:  

    Games Played: 213

    Goals: 99

    Assists: 195

    Total Points: 294

    Alexander Ovechkin:

    Games Played: 245  

    Goals: 163

    Assists:  147

    Total Points: 310

  5. Ovechkin but barley. Ovechkin has like 15 more points then "Sid the Kid" and i wouldn't be surprised if next year sid has more points than #8

  6. sid the kid

  7. Right now Ovechkin has more points, but is older and has more game under his belt.. Crosby has more points per game though.

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