
Who has more political experience, McCain or Biden?

by Guest56745  |  earlier

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advanced reply to those who will dodge the question by stating that Biden won't be President if Obama gets elected, the keyword is "Teamwork" *:)




  1. Biden was involved in quite a few scandals himself, he had to drop out of an election due to his admitted corruption. And thats not just by association.  Speaking of which so has Obama his fair of scandals although he haws no experience so i dont see a correlation between the two.

    in an answer to the question- I'd say they are about on equal footing although as Biden isnt running for president (according to anyone except obama himself who introduced him as such) this really is irrelevant.

  2. Joe Biden.  He was sworn in as Senator at the age of 30.  Which makes him a Senator over half his life.

  3. What does it matter?  I guess if you are talking about political scandals such as the Keating Five; Savings and Loan scandals John McCain was involved in. Than the answer is John McCain.

  4. Both are equally experienced party loyalists. they both enjoy the spotlight, equally. the real truth would blow your mind. you cannot handle the truth.

  5. Biden.

  6. Biden is a VP nominee, get it. He is not running against McCain. Obama is the one against McCain. Biden has run many times as a presidential candidate and always lost his party's ticket. Now they pull him from the moth balls, so the DNC can save the millions they put into Obama's fund. They do this to let him take the heat and Obama continue on his no-nothing way.

  7. Lol

    That isnt dodging the question.  If Biden were at the top of the ticket, you might have a point.  Using your logic, McCain would pick a VP who assuredly had more experience than Biden to ensure a victory

    Biden fits horribly with Obama's message of "change" and "new politics" and stated numerous times within the last year that Barack is not fit to run America.  I doubt much has changed since

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