
Who has more power/influence in the world? The Queen of England or The Pope? Why?

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Who has more power/influence in the world? The Queen of England or The Pope? Why?




  1. dThe Pope,because the Pope is basically the king of the world,while the Queen of Egland is just the Queen of Egland.

  2. I don't think queen elisabeth has any influence on anybody,even in Britain everyhting is up to the Prime minister.

    So I would say Pope,especially in countries where christianity is a dominant religion.

    Plus, you can hear his opinions on world issues,people's lives and religion every sunday on tv.

    As far as queen Elisabeth the situation is quite contrary.Yo can hear her speak a few times a year when national holidays require her to say a few words.

  3. She's the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, not just England. They are both head of their respective churches (Church of England and Catholics) so both wield considerable power. However, there are more than 1 billion Catholics in the world compared to the Church of England's 17 million. In terms of whatever the Pope says goes (such as not using condoms), then he holds far more power, which I think he could do a lot more with, it would mean a lot less AIDS in the world...

  4. i think the POPE  is.. they look at him as the FATHER of their country and he is the highest power you can go.. hes like our GOD,, the ruler of all catholics in the world. i love him...he is sacred and holy,,,

  5. Brad Pitt !

    What ? Don't you believe me ?

    I am serious...think about it !

  6. christiano rinaldo

  7. They both have too much power. Let's get rid of both!

  8. Personally, I would say the Pope, because there are far more Catholics worldwide than Brits.

  9. the pontiff, because he is considered the "father of the universal church and the vicar of Christ", and all of his sayings and preaches are influential.

  10. I would have to say the pope that just passed away not too long ago.....  He was a great guy from what I have read and learned of him...

  11. The pope, because his influence covers a far greater number of people, the world's catholics, whereas the Queen's influence is limited to Britain.  Moreover, although the Queen does a good job as head of state, she is expected to keep quite about political matters, whereas the Pope can express himself freely.

  12. Hah!! That's like comparing the Beatles to the Monkeys!

    The Pope of course!! Why?

    1) The Vatican has more money than the Royal Family.

    2) The Pope is actually in charge of the Catholic Church, which has far more members than the total population of the UK.

    3) The Queen is merely a figure-head with no decision-making power in the British government. She has some, but limited influence, which is totally dependent on how well she's liked by the current Prime Minister.

    4) The Pope actually has more influence over the Irish Catholics than anyone in British government.

    5)  If he wanted to, the Pope could greatly influence Catholic voters in great Britain to vote for the abolishment of the British monarchy. The Queen probably couldn't influence one person against the Catholic Church.

    6) When the Pope goes on tour, millions come out to see him. When the Queen goes on tour, few even care.

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