
Who has not found out they were pregnant until the second trimester?

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I didn't test until I'd be 16 weeks. I've had lighter periods & just now getting nausea & feeling really bloated. I'd like to know bc I'm getting an Xray later, as well as a blood test & CT. My p**s test was negative a few days ago, but I've read that the HCG levels go down after 11 weeks. I've never had this really full/bloated pressure. I'm really educated about most of this, but would like to know others' experiences to ease my mind before the Xray bc I don't want to do more damange. I'm not showing much bc I've been eating very little for the past 5 months. No other symptoms. Thanks! No need to respond about my situation, but just the question.




  1. I knew someone who didn't know she was pregnant until the baby was out. no lies.  She went to the hospital with stomach pains, they asked her to give a urine sample and she gave birth VERY QUICKLY in the bathroom.  she hadn't gained a pound of weight. her period was always irregular so for her not to see anything but spotting here and there was normal for her.  It was crazy, I just remember my mom calling to say she had a baby and Im like "wtf? she diodn't even tell me she was pregnant".  Luckily for her she was living in Quebec at the time and they have a program where they send nurses to your house to help you out in the first few weeks.  Plus the nursing staff all pooled some moeny and bought her a TON of presents (which was really nice of them).  The baby was healthy and they are all happy now.

    What's with the thumbs down?  Weren't we asked to tell our stories? I told mine. why the thumbs down? geez! people on these baords sometimes

  2. I didn't find out until I was like 12 weeks. My periods have never been regular, so not having one didn't really alarm me. I was a bit tired but I thought I had a cold - VERY common in the midwest in March!

    I was quite concerned when I found out I was pregant! I had been parasailing, in a hot tub, boating on Lake Michigan, drinking & smoking & not on any type of prenatal vitamin :O BUT when I think about what my MOM did when she was pregant with me (NO prenatal care, still drinking & smoking thruought) I kind of realized that it's in God's hands & my baby will probably be fine - OF COURSE I quite drinking & smoking the day I found out so don't FLIP!

    I'm 29 weeks now & with the exception of having too many ultrasounds (to try to narrow down my date) everything is just fine with the baby & me.

    I'd say be VERY careful of an Xray. If you are negative on the P test, ask your Dr to give you a blood pregnacy test. They can tell more accurately, if you think the P test isn't correct.

  3. The hCG levels do not go down that low!  If you were pregnant even several weeks after giving birth you would have a positive pregnancy test.  Don't worry about the x-ray, worry about ovarian cancer.

  4. A friend of mine only found out she was pregnant when she was 33 weeks.  We were in college and she was a bigger girl so she only started to gain weight at the end and had an easy pregnancy.  She had very irregular periods so thought nothing of it. Her daughter was completely healthy though and is 10 now.

  5. i had two  friends who didnt find out 1) till she went into labour   2) until the forth month thats when her  period stopped

  6. What is the question? Are you wondering if you can actually be pregnant or do you know you are pregnant and you are wondering if an xray is ok? Either way, best to postpone the xray if you think you could be and go to your OB first.

  7. My best friend found out when she was 36 weeks. She thought that she had been having some serious gas pains (baby moving) and she was kind of a big girl to begin with, so didn't notice the weight gain a lot. She also was used to having weird cycles (sometimes not having a period for a year). It was quite a shock to her to find that she was 8 months pregnant!

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