
Who has parents/heard of parents that damaged their children psychologically?

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Who has parents/heard of parents that damaged their children psychologically?




  1. i definitely have parents who damaged me...i was abused mentally and physically as a child..sometimes i regress back to when i was a certain age of something triggers me....i have bipolar 2 which runs in my family among other mental illnesses and I'm in counseling to try to repair my negative feelings towards them...i hope this helps you in some way

    remember u r never alone

  2. When i was 14 my stepdad sexually abused me. Ive had depression & im bipolar

  3. My dad was hitting my elder brother and I was in the same room at that time watching him when he turned his rage on me, beating me to a pulp with slaps and punches until my body turned red.

    Why?  Because I did not hear him when he called me.

    I was 5.

    Somehow, I didn't let it affect me, of how I looked at my Dad.  He apologized and never hit me again though.

  4. ME me me!! my parents definitely did some damage to me, especially in my early childhood. I have anxiety disorder thanks to them, but try not to blame everything on them, You have to remember that prob their parents did damage to them aswell. It’s a vicious circle :(((

  5. My children were psychologically damaged by my ex-husband.

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