
Who has read the book twilight?

by Guest62669  |  earlier

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who has read the books and what do you think about the are they good




  1. I have and they're good though I don't understand all the fuss that is made of that book. It is just average.  

  2. I've read the whole series,

    and I have to say they're


    I read alot of books and the Twilight series is by far my favorite books.

    You should really read them.

    They're the best books ever.

    Hope I helped.

  3. Yes! It is the best book i have ever read, and i have read many

    I wish the series wasnt over :(


  4. I quite enjoyed them, especially the first one.  They are quite exciting, and they have some humour.  I liked the heroine, Bella, at first, though less so as the series progresses (she gets rather too bogged down in love for my taste).  A lot of people admire Bella's boyfriend Edward very much, but I found him too perfect to be interesting (but I'm old and cranky).  I think they're worth reading if you enjoy fantasy and don't mind an awful lot of love in your books.

  5. I wouldn't agree that everyone has read them, but I think that the only people who hate them haven't given them a chance because they've heard that they are about vampires/werewolves. They're really more a love story that just so happens to have vampires and werewolves in them. In my opinion, they are fantastic books that are what they are. Some people read them and expect... I'm not sure what, but I don't know how anyone can't at least connect with the characters.

  6. their good. but. don't read it again and again because you will get sick of them very fast. i recon the last book is rush. the first book is good. and i hate new moon. i like eclipse. but breaking dawn is rush and doesn't seem like part of it. have you readied the first 12 chapter of midnight sun on her site yet?(Stephenie meyer) it's good very good. ("O.o)


    I agree with you previous dude xD

    Yes, they are great books and I recomment them to you if you hav not read them yet. I am a 14 year old teenager for the reccord.

    Here id the main plot of the story.

    Bella swan moves to the gloomy town of forks and falls in love with the incredibally elluring Edward Cullen who happens to be a vampire.


    Read it plz

    Read first chapter HERE ^^^^

  8. i think every1 has read them

    i love the bpooks. 2 made me cry

    and i am a fan of the books not the author.

  9. yep,i have read that stupid book

  10. I read Twilight and Breaking Dawn, I skipped the middle ones because, honestly, I didn't find it worth my while to read the whole thing. I'd say that if you haven't read them yet, to get a copy from your local library before you spend any money on it.  See if you like it.  If you do, then go ahead and buy the book.  

  11. Omg EVERYONE has read twilight! Except me :(

  12. i read twilight...not really my type.

    i just thought it wasn't well written, nothing really made much sense, i HATED Bella, it didn't make me think of anything after i read it, it wasn't gripping (for me) and i didn't feel as though i'de learnt anything...and tbh, thats what i look for in a book :)

    soz twilighters!!

  13. well i have read twilight and new moon now. i will not be finishing the series. i think they are terrible. if you read the first and the last chapter you know everything that happened in the book.

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