
Who has riding lessons....?

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...out of sheer curiousity (or nosiness) I was just wondering how many of us horsey folk take riding lessons? If so, how long have you been riding, what level is your instructor etc. etc. and how often do you have them? How much do you they cost you? Thanks! Feed my curiosity!




  1. I do :) yay! I've been riding for only four years, but stopped half way through after a bad fall ):  I soon took up the reins again though :)  I have them once a week and they cost £15. I don't know what my riding instructors level is ): lol I LOVE RIDING !:):):):):):):):):):)......yeah

  2. I ride, but have never had a lesson in my life!

    Just dont need lessons at the moment -  If/When i start competing then i might end up getting a few lessons, but not til then!

  3. i'd venture to say that most of us still do. my instructors still do, that's for sure! you never really stop.

    i've ridden for... 5 or 6... years and i do the jumping thing, i've had many instructors but some were quite good, jumping over 5 foot. i ride (usually) once a week since the barn is a while away and the lessons cost from 60 bucks for 1/2 hour private to 40something for 45 minutes of semiprivate/group. i know i'm getting ripped off, this is a big show barn.

  4. I've been riding for 8 years on and off, and am advanced on flat work and beginning on jumping. I honestly have no clue on my instructors level, I just started working with her because my old one moved. She is a great instructor though, and is one of the more daring instructors I've had. They cost about 40 dollars per hour lesson, and recently I have only been able to go 1 time a week. :(

  5. i dont have riding lessons but i used to now i loan a pony and have been riding 6 years

  6. I just started. I have been riding about a month now. I love it! My instructor is 17 and is a trainer. I have her out at my house every week to give me lessons on my horse. Only 20 bucks.

  7. i have been riding since i was 7. i take 3 lessons a week (one on each horse) and my instructor had shown in events with karen and david o'connor (grand prix level). they usually cost $55 for a half hour and $90 for an hour. oh and i have been riding for 12 years.

  8. I've been riding for about 9 years. 8 years ago, we moved to a farm, so we have our own herd. We have a trainer that comes out once to three times a week to work with me and my brother. He works with us per hour, so me and my brother decide when we've had enough. Sometimes we'll ride for 3 hours, other times just for half an hour. I can't remember what level it is, but I know he's shown on circuits. He charges us $40 CAD (Canadian Dollar) an hour because we use our own horses.

  9. I take lessons.

    I have been riding since I was 7.

    My instructor is A-C-E (yup capitals there)

    I have them once a week.

    They are £15 english pounds

  10. I've only been riding and getting lessons for about a year... I have been wanting to ride for a long time but never had the money til I got my job! My instructor has a Bach. and Mast. Degree in Equine studies and has been giving lessons and training horses for 15 years. I'm not to sure on how far she got in riding though... I think she had to stop competing because she got injured real bad...

    My lessons are all private and for 1/2 hour its $25 for a full hour its $35.

  11. Ive only been riding for 3 years, but thanks to my instructors, im already competing at 120cm with my mare.

    I have had quite a few instructors, most of them not as good as they say, but the few good ones i have help me more than i can ask for, and lucky for me, Olympic rider Andonis Petris keeps his horses at my livery yard, and he helps me now and then whenever he has time :]

  12. I have lessons- the best part of ma week. Im 13 and i have had them for seven years.

  13. i (used) to take once a week hour long lessons.. without fail i was there [=

    my trainer has been breaking horses for 10 years, and riding for 18.  She has shown Prelim eventing, and Prix St. Georges dressage, trained with many top notch horse business people and is just great!

    shes wonderful with the horses and has the same view on horses as i do, and she likes me and my horse XD

    and they used to cost me a day of work, doing 10 stalls, feeding breakfast&lunch and doing 3 rotations of turnout

  14. I take lessons every week for $30! I have been riding (in lessons) for 3 years now. I hope to do it for as long as I can!!

  15. i have lessons, i'm 13, ridin since 4 years old, i love eventing, hate dressage, love cross country, no idea what level instructor is but has competed at intermediate eventing.

    i ride one a week.

    have them mainly on my black gelding jasper.

    some on my grey mare tinsel

  16. yes i do... for 3 years and love it im a level 4 and my instructor is at the top. i have them 1 or 2 times a week. and its $350 for 10 of them. but i work at the stables for my lessons.

  17. I love my riding i go once a week ive been riding for about 3 1/2 - 4 yrs now and i dont really have a level of riding but lets just say that im in the second most experienced class.Each of my lessons cost me 10 euro.It would cost me 20 euro but i use my own horse.

  18. not at the moment, but i used to have a weekly lesson.

    i started when i was about 5, and stopped when i got my horse ages 13, but i have had some lessons with an instructor who comes to my yard

    all in all i have been riding for about 11 years-ish

  19. I just started taking real lessons.

    I've leased a black standerdbred for about 2 summers but it wasn't really "lessons"

    I switched over to a new barn this summer and I take like 2 or 3 lessons per month. $20 per hour/per lesson.

    I just enjoy riding so I take lessons but I told my instructor just to let me ride and improve my skills a tiny bit.

    No Showing for me =] Just the joy of riding

  20. I've been riding for 30 years and rarely take lessons any more. When I do, it's from a friend of mine who's a BHSI. He charges around £100, but I get mates rates. I've also had intensive lessons from a FBHS.

    Growing up, most of my lessons were from my mother (a BHSI) and a BHSII friend of hers. Didn't have to pay for the ones from my ma!

    I've got my BHSAI, but rarely teach - aside from my children.

  21. i did when i was younger. i havnt been near a horse in three years...since i moved to the city...d**n university lol

    im sure ill be back on again when i go home =] x*x

  22. I have been riding for six years. My instructor is not qualified but her and her husband have race horses and stuff. She has a group if horses and ponies that we go for treks and just go for rides round the roads in the country. It costs $180 a term and i love it.

  23. I've been takign lessons since I was 7. I have been riding since I was 3 or 4 but I got my first pony when I was 2. My instructor is really good - she jumps about 4'6". I have lessons 2x a week for $70 on my own horse.

  24. Yes! I love my lessons. I do dressage. I have been riding for 4.5 years. I have lessons once a week.

  25. I rode for about 5 years doing dressage at a big lesson barn. Stopped riding for about three years, and then picked it up again doing hunter/jumper.

    I've been riding again for about a year now, my instructor has ridden grand-prix level dressage, not sure about his jumping though. He costs me about $50/hour for private lessons. I take a lesson once a week from him, and 3 other days during the week I lease one of his horses and he'll give me the odd lesson here or there-free of charge, haha.

  26. Yh I Do Im 12

    Since I Was 3

    Grown Up Around Them :)

  27. I take a lesson 2x a week, one is a jumping lesson the other is a flat/dressage lesson. I ride on my own(or with a friend) the rest of the week, jump 1-2x more depending on how high I'm going and what needs to be accomplished and the rest I either do dressage work or just go for a nice active hack to get his muscles moving and working.


    Oh, I've been riding for 10-11 years and my lessons are included in my board fee.

  28. Yes i have riding lesson and have had them for over a year now. I currently have 2 lessons a week, but most of the school year i only have one. when i first started, i did basic western and it costed 55 dollars. My instructor was a former barrel racer. then i switched to basic english where my lessons costed 55 dollars and my instructor was really a show person and wasnt a high level herself. I then switched to dressage, my trainer is a really high level dressage but she only charges 20 dollars an hour cause she is not a certified trainer.

  29. I have had horses since i was five. My one instructor is a BHSI and my other instructor has no qualifications but is competing at Grand prix level. I pay thirty five pound a fortnight to my I instructor and have the other once a month If i could afford lessons I'd have them more often. I've had lessons now for twenty five years.

  30. i have lessons once a week, haven't been ridin that long, for a one hour group lesson it costs $40

    Please try and send me the booklet again

  31. I do, I've been riding about 3 years. My instructor is very experienced and has only 3 students, me, my sister, and my sister's friend. I currently lease my horse and in addition to riding on my own almost every day I take lessons twice a week. I can't remember the exact cost currently but my lessons cost less because I lease from the stables, and my sister's lessons are very short because she is quite young so they don't cost much at all.

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