
Who has school Tommorow?

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Im in Texas so i just wanna know who else has to go tommorw! I need to go cuz i cant spell worth a flip!




  1. My school doesn't start till September 4th! woo.

  2. i do yay first monday of 8th grade.

  3. not until september 4th- but I live in the UK!

    Maybe you broke up earlier than us over here, I guess.

    hopefully you'll enjoy your day- reunited with your friends! keep spirits high! just think...within no time, christmas will be here! lol

  4. i do! finally the start of senior year! :D

  5. on the Sept. 2. i live in nY

  6. Nah not me. I start school on the 2nd (=

    But tomorrow all 8th grader WEB leaders have to go help out with the orientation for the newcomers. So I have to go to school, in a way.

  7. I am starting tomorrow i am going to Manor MS

  8. lucky! our school started on august 15 but we also get out on may 29 =]

  9. I don't, not until September third.

    Clarisse, I was a WEB leader last year. =)

  10. I do.

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