
Who has seen shadows move across a room that you were in?

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i have seen many things move. I remember taking a picture of my house outside, and saw someone standing in the windows even though i knew there was no one home. Does anybody have any tips or thoughts to why i could be seeing things or any suggestions on how to fix it?




  1. I've seen 3 shadow People to date. and numerous shadow cats. They are not a big deal.

  2. We moved in this place 2yrs ago and really scary stuff happened every day and night...I actually unplugged our smoke detector because our d**n ghost made it go off at 3am every night. My kids were scared..I was pissed...finally they begged me for a cat. One turned into 3 and they are all males. I swear since we got them they are like our little guards. I might even hook the smoke detector back up.

  3. Yes. Sounds like you've got some ghosties in your house! I think you should google ghosts and read about them. If they're good ghosts then don't worry about it. If they're bad ghosts then get rid of them! GL =)


    I saw what 'Pink' wrote and if you want to get rid of them, don't pray. Seriously. I don't mean to dis religrion or offend you, but praying won't solve this. On some websites, it says you should get rid of bad spirits and energys by love, well it sounds dumb but it actually works. That what my sister-in-law used to get rid of the man that lived and died in her house before she moved in there. DO NOT USE A OUIJA BOARD. TRUST ME. Also, for the first link, it says not to use tarot cards, but just so you know, I have three decks and have never had any bad experiences with them.

  4. I just moved into a duplex and I haven't stopped seeing them. I refuse to tell anyone, especially when I'm in the duplex because I don't want whatever it is to know that I've seen it. They probably do know.

    My guess is they're entities that just enjoy being creepers and scaring the bajebus out of me every time I come out of a room. This morning, my tv was on one channel and when I got out of the shower, it was changed to the scifi channel... weird

    My friend told me to get some white sage and walk around every room and repeat to yourself that only positive things are allowed in your home. Then sprinkle some in the corners of every room and underneath all the doors. I'm doing that next week... I wish you luck!

  5. If you want to fix it - just tape your windows with red duct tape. I think I've seen it in a movie once. If it worked there it will definitly work in real life.


  7. Quit smoking that hard sht.

  8. When I was in elementary school in class, we were watching a slide show and my friend and I saw shadows of a small train traveling around the top of the wall, just below the ceiling, all around the room.  No  explanation for it, but I swear it was there.

  9. denizens of another dimension.

    their energy is out of phase, so their particular form is shadows.

    and if you focus har enough, you can actually see reality ripple in certain points. and see somewhere else.  

    the movie 'they beyond' was correct in that if we could perceive on other frequencies we would see some horryfying things around us.

  10. I have... though I wouldn't attempt to "fix" it since the apparition hasn't actually trying to hurt me or my family. Have you try to approach it? Perhaps he/she just wanted help or something ^^

  11. I see shadows move in rooms I'm in all the time.

    Mostly happens when I walk in front of the lamp.  

  12. i dont really have an answer to your question but i do have a weird thing like that,

    i was at home and nobody else was home i was in my room on my laptop and my door was open then out of no where my door closed really slowly it was really scary.

    just thought i would let you know i still dont know what it was.

  13. I think the shadows you are seeing are seeing demonic spirits. You can pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God like you would a normal person asking him for his protection. Then you need to command any spirit that might be in your home to leave your home in the name of Jesus Christ.By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. If you are still having a problem ask a pastor to bless your home, to pray for the safety of you and your family and for his advice on the situation.

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