
Who has seen the white house?

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Who has seen the white house?




  1. Inside or outside?

  2. me, me, me.

  3. Inside and outside. Though I live in DC.

  4. I've gotten a personal tour of the west wing (someone working there owed my father a favor). I was young so most of it didn't interest me much, except for the oval office, and the part where they do press conferences (not sure what that room is called)

  5. I passed right by it but never got to go in. It would be AWESOME to have that experience  

  6. I went and sat on the huge lawn across from the front of the white house and watched as the president's helicopter landed, picked him up and flew away. There were cops everywhere, and snipers on the roof.

  7. Inside, or outside?

    I myself have never even been in Washington DC.

    But it would be a wonderful experience to visit it, eh?

  8. No-one ever has.

    It doesn't exist.

  9. i've only seen it from the outside! but still its prett far from the street!

    its almost half a mile away from it!


  10. On average, about twice a week as I work nearby. From the north side, the White House is only about 175 yards from Pennsylvania Avenue and Lafayette Park. Haven't been _inside_ since I first visited Washington, D.C. with my family as a young child.

  11. Seen it many times. From Pennsylvania Ave. and from Constitution before all the trees grew up to much. I have been on the Christmas tour inside, It's beautiful. Everything is lushly decorated for the holidays. My favorite was the huge christmas tree decorated with ornaments representing all the states. And the "gingerbread" snowscape. The bakers/decorators were awesome. I have also been on the tour with a school field trip. The part that you get to see is awesome. That you are walking in the hallways that our presidents have for centuries. You only get to see a small portion of it but it's beautiful. I don't know if public tours are available any more with security measures.

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