
Who has some good advice on how to run the 800m tomorrow?

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i have a 800m preliminary race tomorrow and just looking for some advice on how to approach and run the race. any good techniques or tricks to help me run faster? help is very appreciated. thanks!!




  1. Go out faster than you think you should.  Don't pace yourself that much.  After the first 50m, relax.  Stay behind the guys in 1st or 2nd.  DONT FALL BACK; DON'T LEAD!  And around that 600m mark, when you're all out of breath, don't quit!  as soon as you reach the middle of the last turn, begin to take longer, more powerful steps.  Stride out and accelerate.  When you get out of the turn (about 85m left), you should be going as fast as possible.  Good luck.

  2. Try to run even splits.  A lot of runners tend to take off for the first 200, slow down for the next 400, and then try to kick the last 200.

    I found that by maintaining an even pace, I would generally hit the 200 in the back of the lead pack.  I could then slingshot the curve and pace them.  I would then push myself to maintin my speed.  This would generally build up a big enough cushion that by the time the rest of the field started the kick, I was too far ahead to be caught.

    This race is won or lost in that middle quarter, not the first 200 or last 200.

    Good luck.

  3. The 800m is tricky race but you'll be fine. If your in lane 1 then u have to go out because you don't want to get cut off by the other runner as they try to get in lane one after the first 100. If ur in lanes 2-8 you want to go out so you can be in good position. naturally ur going to start out fast because of nerves and stuff. try not to get blocked in.but remember to attack the cruves and stride the straight aways. stay in ur lane till first 100m, their should be cones or flag showing were u can cross over. when u cross over  do it gradually and diagonally so u won't lose ground. Remember to stay relax. The first lap is normally not a problem its second because runners either go to fast ot to slow. remember do what u can do with no regrets. Depending where u r in training, elit runners sometimes start their kick  the last 500m and build from there. Most 800 runner do their kick the last 300m and some wait till last 200m.(which i wouldn't suguest doing unless u excellent sprinter otherwise i wouldn't recommend it cuz u'll behind if u wait till then ) but do whatever works for you.The first 100m in second lap (cruve) runners tend to slow down thats when u pick it up and gradually build  up speed every  50m. when u get to last 200 make sure u run through that cruve  it can make u or brake u. then last 100m give it ur all. and thats it.

    hopefully i helped and didn't confuse u. And good luck.

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