
Who has taken a forensic science class in high school? Please explain what it was like exactly?

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i want to know everything if its possible like if it was hard or east and what it was like




  1. Are you taking it in high school?

    My teacher was amazing. It starts off really slow though. You learn a lot of stuff- rapist, serial killers, arsonists, chemical posionings, you learn fingerprinting, robberies, why people commit certain crimes, etc etc etc.

    And when i was taking it, i'd have to say it was like any other class within the student body. there were a few really bright students, and others were.. not so bright. The class was really easy and fun, but the facts about some of these cases can get you pretty paranoid.

    if you like crime science go for it! its a good experience and you can see if it'd be a good career for you or not.  

  2. I took forensic science this past year.

    It was easy, not at all like CSI though.

    We had a ton of units, like toxicology, serology, arson, entimology, and more.

    Most of the kids weren't very smart, really the only reason you wouldn't pass would be if you didn't memorize the powerpoints.

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