
Who has the best HD selection?

by  |  earlier

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What cable provider or company such as Direct tv, Comcast, Satelite and I'm sure their others out there has the best HD selection and channels? or all they all the same, just slightly different in prices? I just got a HDTV in my room, I love it. I just want to get the most out of my tv!





  1. Currently I have DirectTV.. which i have to pay 10 dollars more for their HD....channels..

    As far as it is....they have some good HD channels...

    I believe Comcast give U free HD.... not sure how great are the pictures.

    It is also depend on ur receiver and TV that has a greater dept of resolutions.

    If ur TV and receiver are up to 1080P....then if u get channels that are 1080P doesn't matter what service you have the pictures will be great.

    Not all HD are in 1080P ... some broadcast in 720P....

    U will notices the different as you watched their program on different channels.

    Hope this help.

    have Fun.

  2. Every company claims to have the best selection of HD channels. I know with Comcast we have almost 60 channels and over 1000 hours of "on demand" content in HD. As far as resolution they are broadcast in 720P and 1080I depending on what company is sending it (NBC, CBS, ESPN, etc)

    I personally like Comcast's selection but I'm a little biast as I work for the company. I have heard that directv has a few more channles but they are mostly what we have and a few other channels that arent really worth watching. With the "on demand" we have more content then anyone.

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