
Who has the best electricity rates in Houston ,TX right now?

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Who has the best electricity rates in Houston ,TX right now?




  1. There are a couple that are very close to rock bottom in terms of 12 month contracts.

    But if you want bigger players that have at least 300,000 customers I would recommend my company. You don't want smaller ones as 3 have already bit the dust this summer alone as Riverway Power was one of the most recent ones.

    My rate is 16.7 cents/kWh 1yr

    16.5 cents/kWh 2 yr

    16.9 cents/kWh 1yr GREEN (The lowest as of today)

    Remember to read the facts labels. Many companies will charge you a flat rate if you dip below 1000kWh usage and others just charge you a flat $5/month just for being their customer. Look at the bottom dollar and pick which one. Remember the cheapest isn't always the best company for you. Take for example companies that do NOT invest into customer support which make you wait 30min just so you can find out what your contract is ending. That was a huge headache when I was with Reliant. My company has it all automated and will provide that for you without having to wait in line to speak with someone.

    contact me through my profile

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