
Who has the best military?

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I am most interested in China, the USA, Russia and India so any comparisons or links to appropriate websites would be appreciated.




  1. in terms of numbers obviously china in terms of tech ... america ... in terms of the average soldier .. australia .. if australia had the numbers of china and MORE tech than we would b the strongest country in the world but sadly we are a  small country (POPULATION) so we just go with the flow lol  

  2. it's for the USA and they are kick *** dude. its very challenging, but in the end you realize that its worth it.  

  3. LOL only one answer for that.... and for all of you that say some other country you have no idea....... and likely never served...   IT IS the good Ole  USA...

  4. In numbers, China deff. In equipment USA although they have recently had trouble paying there deployed soldiors.

    But pound for pound, one on one, I would have to say the Australian soldier is the best well rounded, most efficient soldier through history and today.

  5. supposely its russia and then the us

  6. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has the best.

  7. USA definate one of the best, if not already the best.

    Japan's good.

    China the worst (in fighting), definately.

    China won't enter the war in terms of sending out troops, unless it has no choice.

    China enters the war by influencing media - controlling all overseas Chinese newspapers, TV, Radio; running Chinese school and Confusion study centres; influenceing scholars/Chinese experts in western countries; lobbying US government and all other western countries' politicians (secret offers to their family members); enticing businessmen to invest in China; persuading overseas Chinese to support them ("you'll be respected by the foreigners if China becomes powerful")...

    All that done for the purpose to make the misconcepts of the following:

    1. China should take over the world as the leader

    2. Don't destroy us - Communism

    3. We are not harmful. We are benefical to you - we'll bring you money

    4. You'll be better off if China rise

    5. Give me all your money, oh don't worry, I mean, invest your money in China, your money will grow 3 times 5 times 10 times more in a few years, by slaving my own people.

    6. Respect me. Listen to me. Obey me. Do whatever I tell you to do. Don't think.

    This war has began for decades! China is still winning!

  8. the Swiss army of course have the alpine pass defence, but i get your point, given they have never lost a war, yet given they haven't entered one in some time- your dreaming!

    the Chinese?, well number's count for **** in most modern wars, however you wouldn't want to invade that mo-foo, despite the inferior armour.

    Russia?, ha!, ha ha ha!, again, as china, invading!, and mo-foo, that kinda gig.

    The British?, well i get your point, given they have a habit of fighting in most wars going, yet all i have to say on that one, is "up the Provo's!!!

    the US, well!, we're talking on this point, what an armoury! and surely the choice of most militaristic minded people, yet have they won a war in recent time?, or even in the last 65 years?

    Australia?, well your getting very close here!, very very close, given their trim self sufficient little fighting wing's.

    but my vote has to go too the Terrorist, any real hard core, for they seem to be the ones we are all told to fear, and well most John Q's  i know tend to fear them more that any brand name army these day's.

  9. In terms of size then China

    In terms of effectiveness then the Swiss Army

  10. Swiss Army

  11. Australia, you nuggets. Our training is second to none.

  12. the British Military as history has shown and will show they have not lost a war since 1066 and that was also the Last time England was invaded

    who would you worry about a few colonials 6000 miles away or Napoleon on our front door we were fighting the french in the Americas as well as at home and after beating napoleon we had the best equipped  navy the best Army and decided to allow USA to become independant

    we could have taken them back the USA when we Came over after the so called battle of Independence and burnt down the white house

  13. I think it's well covered, however, the best military would be owned by a country with the most stable and reliable economy.


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