
Who has the best "co-worker is a jerk" story?

by Guest66767  |  earlier

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Tell me about him/her?




  1. i worked at a surf and skate customer service center and there was a teenage girl that worked there that used to constantly bark orders to the entire crew, even though she had no authority.  one day a customer called asking about bindings . i know nothing about bindings so i transferred the call to a guy that knew all about them. she immediately ran to him and asked why the call was transferred and when he told her she said that was ridiculous. a customer calling in also said she was speaking about me saying i was not authorized to inform her of her order status ,even though i was a customer service rep and that was my job. when the supervisor would leave she would sit in her chair and bark orders to everyone, including the warehouse crew. i quit that job immediately, because i refused to work with the wench and i didnt want to catch a charge for a little heffa that cant vote, drink ,or even wipe her @$$ on her own.

  2. There was a guy who called me up drunk asking me out.

    The whole staff found out and now he hates me.

    He's almost 40 (im just barely 18)

    Lives alone, doesn't have a girlfriend or wife. drinks alone, immature and everyone dislikes him.

    He ignores me for something he did.

    Hes a loser!!!

    And i know this wasnt the story you were looking for, but I just thought I'd share his ignorance.

    he makes me so mad!@

  3. A supervisor at a tanning salon I worked out was a totally creeper.  During interviews for future employees, he would stare at all the girls' butts coming out of the rooms, and very obviously adjust his crotch.  The super aweful thing is he is like 65.

    When an employee or customer would say they weren't feeling good, or they had a sore spot, he would massage the area, or their neck, saying they needed to massage out the gas.  He would rub for a couple of seconds, then start belching in their face.  Really loud and stinky burps.  He also asked out every female customer, age 16 to 60, even if they were obviously disgusted.  Several times he followed girls into their rooms so he could "show them the proper way to rub in their tanning lotion."

    Real gross, real creepy, real jerk.

  4. I worked in a kitchen at a hospital for about a year and a half.  I had a co-worker named Brandon who constantly made fun of me and thought it was hilarious to scare me whenever possible.  On day he snuck up behind me while I was carrying a tray of glasses and said BOO really loud... not only did I horror movie scream and alarm everyone in the department, but I broke over 30 glasses... and had to pay for all of them...

    ...yeah, he was a jerk!!!

  5. I worked with a hypochondriac who was out of control. If you had a cold, she had pneumonia. If you twisted your ankle, she would come into work the next day on crutches. She was always trying to up stage every ones illness. Really weird.

    Anyway, she tells us all she has leukemia. No one believes her. So, she is out of work for 4 months over the summer. She emails and telephones people to talk about her treatments, and how terrible things are for her. We all feel bad about it, put together a fund raiser. She had insurance, but, we wanted to help her out, and her son. She shows up for this fund raiser with really short hair, and a wig. Everyone just feels so bad. So, we all pool our money together, and working for a very large company, we got thousands of dollars for her.

    When they go to bring her the check to her house, her son has no idea whats going on. Turns out that she faked the whole thing just to get the summer off (paid). She doesn't get fired because she sleeps with the boss. Nor does she return any of the money. She comes back to work about two weeks later and acts like the whole thing never happened.

  6. So many to talk about who comes to mind.....

    There is one I'll talk about, when I worked at Rax drivethru. Since I was fast and good with math (ie a calculator and I didnt' eff it up :P) I was always taking the orders and doing the math for the receipts... Rax didn't have a way to do the transaction for the money back on the computer so you had to do it yourself.

      This young 'dude' shall we say was on the sandwhich slicer. I used to cry when I would look at the schedule and see I would have to work with him. Typical lazy young man who would take ten minutes to make two sandwhiches when we would be backed up! I would gently chide him if we were backed up because I wasn't the manager. I would complain to the manager as well and they would get on his back.

    Didn't help! One night we were obnoxiously busy and a convertible with a hot woman pulled up to me. As I was completing her transaction and taking the next order, who sidles up right behind me in my personal space to peek out the window? The young lazy dude. He was trying to holler and get a date WHILE we were backed up, WHILE I was working and he wasn't, and WHILE he had a girlfriend and new baby!

    I usually dont' do this, but I did that point. I turned adn told him to get out of my area, and yelled loudly so the girl could hear "how's your girlfriend, chuck? how's your baby??" He just tried to say "man, dont' do that, man". The girl was laughing the whole time :P

  7. lol i think i am the jerk from the story.. well i use to work in a nursing home when i was 16 and there were a lot of guys that worked there and one of them asked for my number, i wasnt interested in him since he was about 20 years older than me but i couldnt pass up the aportunity  and instead i gave him the number of a girl i didnt like very much that worked with us. next day i asked her if she had any strange calls and shes said some guy called her and asked her out lmao

  8. I worked with a guy that complained all the time. He actually complained he was given the vacation time he asked for.

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