
Who has the best swing in baseball?????

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Depending on what you like. You have the sweet swing (Griffey Jr.), the attack swing (Prince Fielder), you have the short swing (Chase Utley), and you have the compact swing (Albert Pujols). Let me know your favorite style of swing, and the best overall swing in MLB.




  1. I think Utley has a great swing. And for some reason I have always liked DeRosas swing.

  2. Pat Burrell's home run swing is perfect.

    But if its not a home run, its pretty average.

  3. I like Big Papi's, but the best swing has to be Manny Ramirez.

  4. Ken Griffey Jr. Great swing

  5. By far Manny Ramirez and Robinson Cano at a close second.  There swing are fundamentally sound and not one bit of effort more than needed.

  6. Ken Griffey Jr., and I have always like Garrett Anderson's swing too.

  7. i like the compact swing and griffey jr has the  best swing

  8. I think Griffey used to have a sweet swing, it's not as graceful as it once was.

    I like Ichiro's swing myself. I don't know what you call that. A "swing" swing maybe? It looks like a running golf swing. I think most if not all Japanese players have that running out of the box swing.

    One for worst swing ...Kevn Yucklis.

  9. Josh Hamilton has the best swing since Griffey Jr. came along. Perfect balance, no wasted motion and explosive power.

  10. When Ken Griffy Jr. makes contact for a homer, its the most beautiful thing youll ever see.  But i have to give best overall to pujols, his stance is extremely intimidating in itself, and it doesnt matter if he hits a homer, or hits a grounder, itll be hit hard.

  11. Griffey Jr has the sweetest swing in all of baseball, and it hasnt changed much in his entire career. you see guys who get hurt or older not being able to swing the way they do (i can guarantee Fielder wont be able to swing like that in his late 30s) but Griffey kept that smooth swing always  

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