
Who has the last word? The jury or judge?

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I know the judge gives the verdict, but let's say that the judge is against the verdict given by the jury...who has the last word?

Can the judge change the jury's verdict...or must he say and agree to what the jury has decided?




  1. Judge .

  2. Judge. A judge has the power to change the jurys verdict, he gives the final decision.

  3. the judge can oveerride the jury......doesn't often happen but it does......he has the final say

  4. The judge. I know of two cases where the jury found the person guilt and the judge overturned the verdict.

  5. i think if the judge had the last say, then there would be no need for a jury.

  6. the judge can overturn the juries verdict but it is very rare to do this as it undermines the whole system of being judged by ones peers

  7. The jury comes up with the verdict and the judge has the finale say.

  8. I think the Judge does.

  9. The Jury has the last word.The judge can ask for a unanimous verdict which means all 12 jurors would have to agree on a verdict which would be either guilty or not guilty. However if they cannot agree unanimously,they have to go back to the judge who may decide to accept a majority of 10-2.

  10. the judge. if the jury says the defendant is guilty, and the judge disagrees, he/she can change ther verdict.

  11. The Judge. It's his courtroom.

  12. Judge Judy, She loves Frosties

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