
Who has the most HD channels?

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Who has the most HD channels?




  1. Right now Dish Network is spouting around 88 HD channels. They should reach 100 by year's end. I have all the channels and it's not bad at all since they got rid of the Voom channels.

    Keep in mind though that just because someone has the most HD channels, doesn't mean they the HD content is good looking. Some of the HD channels may be severely compressed to the point that the may look like a regular channel just so that a company can say they have the most HD channels. My preference is quality over quantity.

  2. i have comcast and it has many hd channels..almost all main ones! hope this helps you.. some r even earlier so you can watch it twice! it is really cool and fun

  3. Directv has more HD and will have more than Dish for quite a while...

    Directv HD: 95 channels, 150 capacity by 9/2008, 200 in 2009. The satellite for up to 150 is already up and being positioned.

    Dish HD: 85 channels, no imminent expansion. The satellite they put up to expand beyond 85 failed and has been scrapped.

    These are facts you can research and verify.

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