
Who has the most & best experience, Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin?

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If you were to build a comparison chart of experience between Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin, who would come out ahead with experience that will best lead our nation?

Please give detailed answers like number of years, type of experience and how that experience will be best for us as a nation.




  1. Obama/Biden, no doubt

  2. McCain/Palin were both elected into office.  They have made decisions before such as cuts, expansions, etc.... within there state.  They have picked up the veto pen.

    Obama wasnt even an elected official.

  3. Consider McCain was wrong on Iraq, Obama was right on Iraq.

    Biden is head of the senate foriegn relations committee, Palin is a hockey mom from Backwater, Alaska.

    Pretty simple math here, folks.

  4. If you want change you want McCain/ Palin.

    More if the same......Osama Obama/ Hair plug Biden

  5. Obama/Biden

  6. Obama and Biden are by far the better pair because McCain is too old, and Palin is just a token.  

  7. They would actually come out about the same in years of experience.

    The only issue is do you want the person with no executive experience (Obama) in the Big Boy chair making adult decisions or the person with limited experience (Palin) in the #2 slot where she can gain experience.

  8. Obama/Biden  Palin has been a gov of AK for what not even two years she has no exp

  9. McCain/palin. Obamas experience [or lack there of] is laughable.

    His years of public service really dont count for anything in my book. and biden is exactly what obama has been wanting to change, so i really cant believe in him. McCain was a POW and has the military experience needed to lead out country in times of war. Obama has little experience in general.  

  10. That is one of the easy questions. First thing Biden said was that bama doesn't have the experience to run this country.  

  11. That's easy...McCain/Palin, of course!

  12. It depends on if you are looking at things horizontally or vertically.

  13. Obama/ Biden...duh.

  14. Experience doesn't matter, its the policies that are being proposed by each candidate that matter. Lincoln served 2 years in the house before coming president and look what he did.

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