
Who has the pinheads and who has the patriots?

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My GOP party has patriots like Sylvestor Stallone, Alec Baldwin, Tom Sellick. Chuck Norris, Jennifer Lopez, Ted Nugent.

The Dem's have Ellen degenerate, Rosie Odonell, Roseann Barr, Jane Fonda, George Cloony ( non American ), Ludicris, and Michael Moore.




  1. your gop also has the d**k's

  2. are you sure about alec baldwin ?

  3. You're kidding about Alec Baldwin, right?  I've been waiting for him to move out of the country since Bush was last elected.  That's what he said he would do!

  4. You must be base your beliefs on what Sylvester Stallone does.

    ADD:   Every music artist that doesn't suck to the Dem category.

  5. It is quite apparent from the interruption to John McCain's speech last night just who the pinheads are. I don't invest too much thought into who the celebrity folk side with.  They're in a world of their own and can't relate to typical Americans in the first place.

  6. Alec Baldwin is in the wrong group on your list, he is a raving mad liberal.

  7. No - J Lo actually spoke at the DNC.  Here is a list of all the DNC celebs:

    and Alex Baldwin - OMG - you can't get any more looney liberal than him!!

  8. Dude, get your facts straight.  The GOP wouldn't have the likes of Baldwin in their ranks, even if he wanted it.

  9. Ummm, Jennifer Lopez is on Obama's side. She hosted a fundraiser for him....get your facts straight. What makes George Cloony unAmerican?? Because he's an adovate for the poor in Africa??? YOU MAKE NO SENSE!!!

  10. Ya go make your vote based on who the celebrities are supporting. Better yet, don't.

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