
Who has the right of way in this?

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Coming into my high school, there is a circle. Cars enter and exit in 3 possible different places. I am never sure whose turn it is when 2 cars arrive at once. While I usually give right of way to cars in the circle, they usually stop for me, I looked it up and found the distinction here between a traffic circle (Right of way to entering cars) and roundabout (right of way to cars in circle).

How do I know what type of traffic pattern my school's circle is without signs of any kind?

It's probably designed so cars just "figure it out," but it bothers me as I want to do the right thing here.




  1. The cars in the roundabout (circle) always have the right of way.

  2. Cars in the roundabout always have the right of way.............

  3. this sounds like an accident waiting to happen.

    when two cars come to intersection at same time the car on right goes first.  if already in circle i would say they have right of way.

    good luck.

  4. If two cars arrive at the same time then the one on the right. If a car is already in the roundabout then it is theirs. Many peopole don't follow general curtosy rules so it is best to wait for your turn, or what it would be at a four way stop. If needs be wait for a waive.

    Here are some help

  5. Cars in the circle have the right of way.  If they stop for you, its courtesy not requirement.  Think about it:  If entering cars had the right of way, the circle would be jammed with traffic quickly.

  6. i would go inside and discuss this with the principal.  maybe some arrows can be designated.  we all know right goes first and cars in the roundabout have "right of way"  but i would ask for you school board's assistance and get them back out there !!

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