
Who has the right of way/?

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Someone told me today that the yield signs were taken away on entering the highway,and those entering the highway has the right of way. This is very dangerous. I hope you know what i mean. Please tell me what you think about this and if this is true.




  1. Use common sense and caution, enter only when safe to do so, when a semi runs into you and you thought you were right, and you are in a car, you'll probably be dead! No matter who thinks their right! Also it's common courtesy when driving on the highway to pull over to the left lane if possible to let someone in from a entering lane, use caution, for the safety of every one driving don't be a bad driver. Remember it's a public road, for every one to use safely, don't be selfish or stupid!

  2. Vehicles already on the highway has the right of way. They are at higher speed and you can't expect them to yield to you.

  3. The cars already on the highway have the right of way. If you are merging, you must yield to the existing cars.

  4. Yield signs on highways are very dangerous...Traffic entering a highway has a tendency to slow down or even stop in compliance with the yield sign...(While accelerating to highway speed, I almost nailed a lady who was stopped in the middle of the lane at the top of an on-ramp.)...Thru traffic always has the right-of-way, whether it is on a highway or an intersection.

    There is still one freeway (the 110 in Pasadena, CA) that still has stop signs at the beginning of the on-ramp and those ramps were built in the 1930s...Now, metering lights are being installed to control the flow of traffic onto freeways during peak travel times...These lights are set back from the merge area to give a driver a good area to get up to speed.

  5. If YOU are entering a highway, and have a "yield" sign, then you must give way to the driver who doesn't have a "yield" sign. In this case the FASTER car coming off the highway would have that right of way. You are entering the highway and ramp speeds are slower than the highway speed, so you would be able to slow down faster too.

    Usually drivers who are entering a major highway from an on-ramp have a "merge" sign. The drivers already on that highway will also have a "merge" sign. "Merge" means that both driver's (the driver already on the highway, and the driver entering that highway) should both co-operate so that safety is maintained by both drivers. So, in this case, both drivers are responsible for blending into the moving traffic.

    The driver entering the highway, should, time it so he/she finds a gap, speeds up or slows down as necessary and fits in as he/she "MERGES".

    There is another sign with two arrows which indicates that there is an ADDED lane or a new lane. This sign  tells driver's already on the highway that the driver entering the highway has his/her own lane (for a while, anyway because it may eventually end). It tells the driver who is entering the highway, that he/she has his/her own lane.

    You still must be aware that either of these vehicles could suddenly change lanes because they missed this sign. Never assume anything when operating a motor vehicle.

    I hope that helps

  6. It is dangerous but the drivers on the highways will always have the right-of-way with or without signs............

  7. The yield signs are still here in my area....and they mean to STOP for those car already on the highway because they have the right of way.  You do not have the right of way when entering onto a highway or street.

  8. no one really has the "right of way" persay.  You are supposed to merge on to the freeway.  Both lanes of traffic are responsible for avoiding collison.

  9. That is totally wrong. The people already on the freeway have the right of way. If the person who told you that is driving , don't get in the car.

  10. The freeway drivers have the right of way and the entrance drivers must yield to them.

  11. The car on the highway has the right of way, also when you come to a rotary, the car in the rotary has the right of way.

  12. Those already in the road/intersection/circle always have the right of way.

  13. highway goes first, exception is if you have a sufficient opening in traffic to accelerate to speed,and merge with flow of traffic

  14. No-one automatically has the right of way. There are printed guidelines and signs to follow as to the safest procedure, but you cannot assume you have the right of way when acting on it would put you or another driver in danger. When entering an interstate, you MERGE with the traffic when you can do so SAFELY. Build your speed up to match the traffic and enter where there is room to do so.

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