
Who has the right of way with two cars facing wach other one with a yield sign turning left and other w/ stop?

by Guest59087  |  earlier

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Here is the situation. When crossing our highway at the end of the street before the highway is a stop sign. To turn left onto the four lane highway is a center part you go where there is a yield sign. Straight across is another road with a stop sign. If I am at the yield turning left do I have the right of way to turn left in front of the car attempting to go straight that is at a stop sign?




  1. The yield sign has precedence in the situation you've described. I recommend as additional caution to yield to the person at the stop sign if they are intending to go straight. Many drivers refuse to use turn signals so that is another problem that must be discerned.

    Unless the other driver waves you by, yield to him.

  2. Where i'm from thats how it works...If you're in a yield zone you have the right of way, because the other person HAS to stop, if its a stop sign...yield you only stop if other cars are coming that don't have to stop.

  3. The person with the yield sign would have the right of way as long as the traffic was clear......

  4. Well, it really depends on the situation, in one possible case the other driver could already be in motion when you arrive at the yield sign. At this point in the occurrence it would be better just to let the other driver to continue with his turn and after wards you can then make your move with out endangering the safety of the other driver, any passengers he has with him, and your self. The other possibility, which is what I think you were trying to get at, is when both drivers meet at the intersection at the same time. In this case you would have the right away because you have the yield sign, which means slow down to a safe merging speed, or in some cases speed up. If the other driver makes the first move and pulls out to turn HE is the one at fault, he has the stop sign, so you have the right away in this situation. The only other thing to concider in this situation is how bad you really need to get to where ever it is that you have to go. Hope this helps!

  5. Ha ha ha..........scissors, rock, paper!

    The driver with the Yield sign would have the right of way over the driver with a Stop sign IF they arrived at this intersection at the same time. If a driver is already IN the intersection, then that driver would have the "right of way".

    I hope that helps....

  6. if the person is still stopped at the stop sign, the yeild sign gets the right of way.  however, if the person at the stop sign is in motion after the sign (crossing the intersection already) the other person has to yeild to them.

  7. Since the yield sign doesn't require a complete stop, that

    driver has the right of way.

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