
Who has their moon in pisces,and do you wish your moon was in another sign?

by Guest65346  |  earlier

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just curious




  1. my moon is in virgo... i wish i had it in aries or aquarius since my sun sign is aquarius

  2. i have my moon in pisces, it makes me too emotional, my sun and ascendant are both in scorpio. so i have a very watery personality. i wish my moon was in a fire sign to give me more strenghth

  3. I know some people with Pisces moon ... I don't like them, they are very charming and alluring but not very loyal are stable. It's very important thing for me ... I hate and love my Scorpio moon :-), it's very good at times and pretty hard in some situations (mainly in love life :-().

    I like ppl with Sagittarius, Taurus and Capricorn moons.

  4. I kinda wish my moon was in something that would make more pisces for me. My moon is in sag, but I tend to have more of a piscean personality.

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