well i do, and let me tell you why,
they ratter travel 2,000 miles to save a panda, wile it takes less than 2 miles to see a home less that dosent have food, or even a hose to sleep in, they ratter give a loaf of bread to a dog, than to a hungry homeless, they stablich animal shelters to save the animals, ratter than to make home less shelter to save those hungry humans,
and worser of all they treat them more than human??? wtf do u think they should be treated better than humans??? i talked to a african friend abuat this, and he said that if he told people in africa that in america they have animal hospitals they beat him up because it sound fake,
well is true theres people out their whith out proper life conditions that need medecines pesparate and food and clean water, why do the animal freack feel they have to save the animals and whales inted of helping the poor humans??