
Who hate those animal freacks?

by  |  earlier

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well i do, and let me tell you why,

they ratter travel 2,000 miles to save a panda, wile it takes less than 2 miles to see a home less that dosent have food, or even a hose to sleep in, they ratter give a loaf of bread to a dog, than to a hungry homeless, they stablich animal shelters to save the animals, ratter than to make home less shelter to save those hungry humans,

and worser of all they treat them more than human??? wtf do u think they should be treated better than humans??? i talked to a african friend abuat this, and he said that if he told people in africa that in america they have animal hospitals they beat him up because it sound fake,

well is true theres people out their whith out proper life conditions that need medecines pesparate and food and clean water, why do the animal freack feel they have to save the animals and whales inted of helping the poor humans??




  1. There isn't anything wrong with loving animals! Just because me love animals, doesn't mean we "hate" people or anything. And, in fact, humans are animals too; were mammals. Animals need meds too, just like humans!

    And (like the first person said), learn to spell.

  2. Ok. First, learn to spell please because i thought you said that a homelesss person didn't even have a "hose" to sleep in.

    Animals aren't treated better than humans. andyess there arehomelessss people suffering. There are shelters for homeless people.

    We are the ones who are breeding animals so we can kill them and then eat them. Global Warming is also happening because of us.

    Humans are not "poor" in any way.

    We are the ones killing the earth that the Animals had first.

  3. Humans are kinda at fault when theyre homeless

    animals didnt do anything to deserve it

  4. a mind is a terrible thing to waste, your teeshur shud bee slappd sillee

  5. humans arent the only species on Earth.

    learn to spell.

  6. high-five 'Yesenia'!!!

  7. Humans are animals, why cant we all help each other, wheather its a person, tiger, or a dog!

  8. sorry i could care less about the opinion of somone who cant spell worth c**p

  9. Why would you post this in pets? If you want someone that will sympathize with your opinion, then this section is not the place..

    You know what's much worse then animal 'freaks'?

    People who don't do anything for anybody or anything but themselves..  

    There's a lot more people that selfishly spend every dime on themselves then there are people that help and volunteer.

    When is the last time you helped a homeless person? Mentored a child? Cleaned up a park? Volunteered at a library? Delivered meals to an elderly person? My guess is that you have never done ANY of those things..

    I don't care whether someone helps out at a historical preservation society, a food bank, a public library or an animal shelter. We're all good at different things and we're all passionate about different things. Unless you actually do something that helps out the world around you, you can't pass judgment on people that help out in areas you feel are unimportant. Statistically speaking, most regular volunteers in the US are women and most of them also work a regular job in addition to their volunteering. Pretty much, you have no excuse not to do something for the world around you. If you aren't volunteering somewhere, you should be ashamed of yourself for passing judgment on those that do..

  10. Animals need help too.

    Get over it, you've obviously never had a pet or cared for one. If you did, you'd know how much they're like humans.

    "well is true theres people out their whith out proper life conditions that need medecines pesparate and food and clean water"

    And what makes you think there's no Animals out there that need clean water, food and meds?

  11. i kind of hate all extremists, but i get where you are comin from. they treat animals like this because they can't talk themselves, that's it.

    the worst thing i have seen is a pomeranian in a baby chest holder thing.

    it was kinda like this but there was no baby and the guy had long hair.

    yuppies be crazy

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