
Who hates Americans because they are such sore losers in olympics?

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Lets see:

Getting kicked by China overall

Getting kicked by Jamaica on track events

Getting kicked by others everywhere else

Meddling with the medals tallies so US can come on top.

Accusing China of underage gymnasts

Accuse judges from an international panel of favouring China

God, if that doesn't fit the definition of sore loser I don't know what does.

If you Americans want the world to hate you and diss you and curse you that much, then just come out and say it.




  1. Oh c'mon.  Like any of you needed the Olympics as a reason to hate us Americans.  The hate was flowing way before the Olympics.  Just tack this up as another reason in your well educated arsenal as to why we should be hated, even though it's as stupid and ill-informed as most of your reasons.  


  2. "We like everything nice and fair"

    please. track and field, the US has a huge problem with doping -- admitted by NBC and the athletes themselves, and we know how bias NBC is. gymnastics, paul hamm obviously shouldve gotten silver and he knew it. yet, the american public still hold him as the gold medalist. sorry korea, thats what fair is in the US.

  3. We are never sore losers.

    We just like having everything equal and fair.

    This is something people like you know little about.

  4. Not really in the spirit of the games are they I like to see my country win as well but I also take my hats of to those that beat us.

    I admire Phelps and Bolt also think the Brits have done well especially in the cycling and that's hard for an Aussie to say but they were the better athletes on the day.

    Also the the Olympics isn't just about winning and some might not  get to hang a gold around their necks but they still make the games great.

  5. You're a wanker.

    We ADMIRE the Chinese for their gold medals. They deserved every win.

    We ADMIRE the jamaicans for their wins.

    We ADMIRE every winner at the olympics.

    The Chinese have the most Gold medals, no one disputes that. But all statistics are interesting.

    Remember, the olympics isn't a SINGLE event. No one "wins" the olympics.

    It's just statistic keeping.

    I realize the many in the world don't understand the concept of "rules" but only understand things like "advantage" and "charity",

    but rules are rules. If the rule says you must be 16 years old to compete, then those who are 13 or 14 are BREAKING THE RULES, and don't count.

    The rest of us (not only Americans) came with athletes that CONFORMED to the rules.

    I understand what you say about the world hating America, but I'm comforted by the knowledge that if AMERICA had flaunted the rules this way,

    The "world" would chant for our death.

  6. I have to admit that I lost a lot of respect for Bela Karolyi due to his antics on NBC in Beijing.  Every time the US didn't get what they were hyped to win, he claimed it was because of bad judging.  When the US did meet expectations, suddenly the judging was beautiful, marvelous, fair, etc.  Bela even had to contradict himself during the All-Around.  He complained about the judging when the Americans weren't leading after the first rotation.  However, by the time Liukin was half way through her floor exercise in the final rotation, he was all smiles and chanting "She's going to be Olympic Champion."  Way to be consistent and unbiased there, Bela!!!

    Either Bela is legitimately that hypocritical or he was acting, which makes him a fraud.  Unfortunately for millions of Americans, Bela proved why his expertise was being "utilized" in the IBC instead of on the floor as a coach at the NIS.

  7. We just show a lot of pride and enthusiasm. They do not target out countries to be better than. They are just self motivated and compete more against themselves and not others. We are even very competitive with our neighboring states. So what that Michael Phelps was excited about winning. The guy that one the track race celebrated too. You all are more mean to us then we could ever be to you. Find a better reason to hate someone. it is like you are the school girls who hate the prettiest girl in the class, just because. Also get over Bush, we don't like him either. I know that not all of you are like this, so please do not take offense everyone. The means ones know who they are.  

  8. When american won gold, they didn't talk about fairness even if it was unfair (please refer to 2004 olympic gymnatics gold for Paul).  When they lose, you will hear all the whining about this and that.  They just assume they are the best no matter how worst is the performance of Amrican athletes.

  9. It really wouldn't matter what we did you all already hate and diss and curse us so what's the difference. The gymnasts from China were under-aged and your lying about us meddling with the medals tallies. The Olympics is a competition so if we don't win who cares it's interesting to watch.

  10. the world can continue to hate america because we dont give a ****. when any country get in trouble who is the first country they come running to AMERICA. go a head and keep hating because at the end of the day we're still #1. for people who like to hate alot, it sure be a million of yall motherfuckas trying to get over here if you hate us so much stay in ur own d**n country. and go ahead and giv me a thumb down, i am a proud american so i dont give a ****.

  11. This is just one more example of the lack of consistent judging throughout womens gymnastics.  How come Ching Chong didn't win a gold on beam last night for only having 7 balance checks? Oh, and Ching Kai Shek didn't medal at all after only FALLING THE F OFF THE why did Shawn and Nastia win gold and silver?  Isn't that kinda contradictory to giving them (the Ching 12 year old twins) medals after they fell on there knees on the vault 2 days ago?? I'm not getting it, there's too much inconsistency here.

  12. What do I care if people 5,000 miles away hate me.  Not like I'm going to get fired for it.  

    Hate on b*****s!

  13. ok i dont care about that stuff but the chinese gymnasts are underaged

  14. I dont know so much about them being sore losers, but they do tend to puff out there chest & beat it & tell the world they are the greatest....& then when they get kicked's a sad site!.

  15. Very sore.

    I believe that Americans believe in something called: "Innocent unless proven guilty."  There has been not enough proof to prove anyone guilty yet, so they shouldn't be whining.

    Competition, Americans say.

    Bad sportsmanship, I say.

    (By the way, I am proud to be Canadian.)

  16. Man, you certainly have a bug up your butt about something, to go on this kind of a rant. Most of the people making the accusations about the Chinese are those who are poor losers, something every country has and must deal with. I suppose you think you are better than everyone else, because you keep your mouth shut and don't speak up in the face of obvious rule violations the way most of my fellow Americans have. The Chinese gymnasts are WAY UNDERAGE, and that is obvious to anyone with a working pair of eyes and the ability to use them, pal. Their government IS CHEATING- but apart from some vocal protesting, the USA is not about to really challenge them on this point, because we are wise enough to recognize that such protests will do far MORE HARM THAN GOOD, to both the athletes involved, AND to relations between the two countries, which can be described as strained at best. Look, Jimmy, or whatever you call yourself- these Olympic Games are going to go down as one of the most controversial in history, and they are HIGHLY political in nature. China has long wanted a chance to thumb their noses at the US, so to speak, and the Olympics have given them a means of doing just that, with the whole rest of the planet looking on while they do it. Our athletes have just been unfortunate enough to get caught in the political crossfire- and they are paying a high price for it. Our raising a protest with the IOC will do no good at all, and it might cause harm to the IOC members themselves, because it's only too likely that they will be arrested, jailed, or thrown out of the country. The other thing you need to remember is that China has nuclear weapons too, and the know how to use them. It would not take much to get their government mad enough to aim those missles right at us- and we know it. The US isn't interested in starting World War III, just because of something like a few lost Olympic medals. So the Chinese government has cheated- what that does is damage THEIR reputation, not ours, and it makes them less than credible in other situations where they may badly want credibility. We know they cheated, we know they run their athletes into the ground, but we are willing to look the other way and let this go for the sake of the greater good, and to keep this planet we all live on intact, instead of blowing it and ourselves to smithereens in a holocaust.

    Losing a few medals to a country which cheats is a small price to pay, compared to the horror of trying to deal with a nuclear war, I think. Most of the US gymnasts have been mature enough to deal with this- sure, they wish they had won, but they recognize that perhaps it's better to preserve the peace than it is to try to rub China's nose in the dirt. Let China have its fun- the Olympics end this Sunday, and that will be the last we will hear about them for a while. BTW: The US is NOT getting "kicked" everywhere else. Our athetes have won plenty of golds in other sports besides track and field and gymnastics.

    Enough said.  

  17. Wow, what a SORE LOSER you are! When your country is beating ours, then you can talk, and you sure as h**l don't sound Chinese to me.

    The U.S. has always counted total number of medals, not just gold only. The numbers are clearly posted...even on yahoo for gold medal rankings. Yes, we know we're in second place for the gold, but overall we have the highest number of medals (yes, that includes silver and bronze also!).

    We questioned China's gymnast because she did an interview last summer stating that she was 13 years old, and now she's suddenly 16? hmmmmm... obviously your country won't step up and say anything, so we do your dirty always...hahahaha.

    I have not yet heard of anyone from the U.S. accusing judges of favoring Chinese athletes yet.

    By the way, YES, we desperatly want the world to hate us. Please hate us. It makes us feel nice and tingly inside.

    There, I said it.

    Have a nice day!

  18. I think it's terrible that your calling all americans sore losers. Obviously not all americans are in the Olympics, so why harass all of them? Obviously, if someone looses, they aren't happy about it. I can't comment on a few of those events, because I couldn't watch them all due to where I live; but I don't think it's right to call someone a sore loser because someone from their country, whom they may not even know, was not competing fairly in the Olympics. But that's just my opinion.  

  19. Pot calling the kettle black????

    Surely the sorest of losers are the Aussies. There media is doing the Medal tables by per capita, however they fail to mention when they do this Jamacia & New Zealand beat them hands down!

  20. Guess im a sore loser.

  21. yes i just saw 200 men Final and 400 women hurdle race,American got beaten by Jamaican again.unbelievable

    I think they need to get over it and i even hear a few days ago that some American say Bolt might be on advice is to stop being sore loser  

  22. America has a lot of problem with its sports integrity, so u really don'tt have to be blaming China for cheating or what not when u have ur own problem. Just look at the pro sports, MLB doping, NBA ref gambling scandale. Some of the biggest cheaters of sports are associated with American Pro teams. Now the US female softball team lost to Japan I wonder what excuse they will come up with that. U guys act like if there wasn't the age rule in gymnasticc you guys woulda used younger girls and came out on top. Sorry but isn't Shawn Johnson and Liukin the top rated femalegymnastt and considered the best. Who else would u have used. Just seems like udidn'tt want the best of China competingg.  Plus look at the US government. You guys talk about China cheating and lying. How about US lying to the world and UN that Iraqi had weapons of mass destructiong. Withoutt solid proof and approval of UN we began to start bombarding Iraqi. And when all said and done where is the proof of weapons of mass destruction and what was the excuse. Saddam was a bad guy, when there are many evil guys out there that run regimes. Common come up with better excuses. Every countries has there issues, but I think its more important to look at bigger issues then losing a gold medal and trying to make a excuse out of it, especially if theres no solid proof.

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