
Who hates Kate Middleton?

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Everyone thinks she will make a great queen, but she is a fame grabber.




  1.   It is never there to be like the way it is. Why should any one hate her. If prince is going to merry a commoner then he is doing that on his personal interest. The almighty made all humans equal and gave them each and every power to be a human being. 

    So then why should we act as animals and start pointing out things which are not for our interest. Mr Eric James your Great Great Great Grandfather King George 1'st might be angry at that time if such things are happening at that time only.

    Now we have got a complete and changed world. She is by no means to be hated. And no one should hate her.

  2. My Great Great Great Grandfather KING George I'st king of Great Britain would be so angry with this decision. My 15'th cousin prince william of wales Marrying a commoner ? his mother was not one she was nobility and a descendant of king Charles II of England I was born A prince of the House of Habsburg Emperors of Austria are all my Grandfather's my name is HRI archduke Eric james von Habsburg of Austria my Grandfather is Archduke Felix of Austria my Grandmother Princess & Duchess Anna-Eugénie of Arenberg my father archduke carl philipp von Habsburg as a member of the Imperial royal Austrian Family I disagree with this marriage.

  3. she doesnt need to sell herself as the whole world goes after her.... doesnt mean anything to me this woman but like i say.. BE CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU WISH FOR, 'COS IF IT COMES TRUE AND IS NOT WHAT YOU EXPECTED IT TO BE ... THERE IS NO TURNING BACK OTHER THAN D***H........ being part of a british royal family is not what we think it is...fairytale died a long time ago first few years is fine but afterwards..... but good luck to her.. they still have harry to save the day.... ;P

  4. Well. I'm going to be mean and say I hope she is "beheaded" or die in a very very tragic accident. Because she is a lazy, directionless, substanceless, shallow, full of social climber vibe, and clueless. England deserves a queen that has done something with her life at the age of almost 30!!!! What cause has she worked towards?  There are tons of girls married into royalty, but they were all somehow talented in their field, intelligent, pursued an independent life and aspiration of their own before marriage. This turn of events really reminds me of how the royals were like back in the old old days. The Bolyn Sisters anyone? If anything, the royal's attempt at gaining public support by choosing a "commoner" as princess will be the beginning of the end for this system. All because they chose the wrong "commoner". She will go down in history as the one who tanked the monarchy if she ever makes it to queen.

  5. She's not that bad. I used to dislike her but then I realized that
    she has staying power and that is a good quality for William.

  6. I do! She lives off the media. She's too modern to be princess/queen one day. She never had to work a day in her life. She's all fame!

  7. Oh please! Just because someone doesn't approve of another person doesn't mean you hate the person or are jealous! I'm so sick of those accusations

    Waity Katie will be a disastrous lazy Queen with manners of a Rock'n Roll groupie. I've seen more pics of her knickers than I can count -that chick can't keep her knees together. Why would I want a jobless lazy good-for-nothing in such a high demanding position??

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