
Who hates getting up early in the morning for work or school?

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Who hates getting up early in the morning for work or school?




  1. ME

    The mornings are the WORST part of my day. I hate school for starting so early, but I usually get over it soon enough. Sometimes I think its impossible to get out of my comfy bed at 6:30 AM.

  2. I'm up at 4:45 EVERY morning!! Even on my days off because my internal clock is always set for 4:45am..  It gives me an hour to myself before I have to wake my daughter up for school..

    Some days I don't mind it but most days I'd like to sleep for another hour.. But, nope it doesn't happen..

  3. I don't like it. I'm a night person, so mornings are bad for me.

  4. Just about everybody - but people do what needs to be done.  Going to school or work is very important.  It's usually easier to get up early if you have had 7 or more hours of sleep the night before.

  5. Always a struggle for a night owl.

  6. thats me right here

  7. *hand shoots up in the air* ME! ME! ME!

  8. I HATE IT! I have to get up tomorrow morning at 3:15 AM to go to school and set up chairs for the undergraduate award ceremony! I got the silver medal on the International Latin Exam, and there are other awards being given out.

  9. Loath it!!

  10. ME. But I guess it's better than it running from 10-6 or something...

  11. I used to.

    With school though....why bother going?  Just stay home or go do something you want to do.

  12. me  i hate it i feel like i should go back to bed

  13. o i absolutely HATE it!!

    i get up at 6 or 6:30 every morning and im so sick of it

    i get so overtired throughout the week

    hahah and wen im overtired im CRAZY!!!!


  14. ME

  15. mm...i get up at about 6:10 every morning but i could really wait till my alarm goes off at 6:22 but i like to tell people what the national day is..and it comes on at 6:16 about so i listen then i go get ready. i don't mind. i can sleep real late anyways..latest i've slept is about 8:30 i can't sleep past that time unless i'm sick. i like being a night owl and a early's fun!

  16. Me, especially Mondays.

  17. i do i have to get up at 6:00 am!!!

  18. I absolutely hate it, I'm a full time student and I go to school in New Jersey. I'm from New York, plus I don't drive, meaning I take the train and bus also meaning I get up 4:30 in the morning to go to an 8:00 class and have to do that everyday for a year until I get my degree.

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