
Who hates people? Who hates life? Who hates themselves? I want to know.?

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What do you hate?

I hate who I am and what I have become? I look in the mirror and I am "my reflection wont look back."




  1. you sound pretty pissed man, maybe you should go to a counselor... though those people tend to annoy me.

    Sometimes i hate people, but mostly it's just cause they're totally out of touch with reality. I don't hate life... but sometimes it seems to hate me. I've never hated myself, but i figured I'm one in a million who randomly has high self esteem....

    What do i hate most of all? People who NEVER EVER shut up... you know who I'm talking about, right? those people who think a running commentary of their thoughts (which are usually pointless and stupid) are the most important things for everybody to listen to. Arg! they drive me nuts!

  2. I only hate myself sometimes. I always tell myself life is beautiful and one day my life will flash before my eyes.. I want it to be worth watching, but of course I get them days when I wish I was someone else and feel like there's no reason to live anymore. If you aren't proud of who you are, you should try and acheive something that WILL make you proud. Try your hardest to point out your best assets, don't concentrate on the bits you don't like, everyone has their negatives, just not everyone centers their attention to it. I know it's hard, but it will eventually make you feel much more comfortable and happier with yourself.

    I hope you feel much better ASAP! :)

  3. I love all of them!!!!!!!!!!

  4. If you spit at life, Life will spit back. Most people don't get that.  So, think of life as your friend, lol!

  5. people-i dont hate some i strongily dislike though

    life-i dont hate life

    me-i hate myself so so so so much i am ugly, fat, unpopular oh yeah and my rflection wont look back at me ethier in fact i think it runs away.

  6. Maybe you should volunteer somewhere and get a reality check on how bad things can get meanwhile doing some good.  Maybe then you can start to get a perspective on things and fall in love with yourself again.

  7. i hate ppl as a whole, how they always kill eachother and hurt the environment and think we are all high and mighty. i hate the human race, as a whole. but i kno not all ppl r eveil and evry1 DOEs hav SOME kinda good in them. i love ppl like that. u need 2 look 4 the good. i dont hate life. it could be better but i dont hate it. n i dont hate myself.

    u hav the power 2 change urself, u kno. like a saying sez, "we are products of the past, but not prisonors of it." u cant change the past but u can change the future and u need 2 do that now. help ppl n volunteer at animal shelters, things that seem stupid and retarted and dumb, but they help how a person sees themself, because u'll kno u made a difference, however small that differnce was.

       u can change how u see urself and how others c u. <3

  8. I love people!

  9. im doNT  hate myself. i just hate peoplee around mee.. but i love my lifee.. YOU ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE.. SO LIVE TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS.. DONT WEEP DY BY DAY BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW WHENN YOU ARE DONE.

  10. im luvin life

  11. i love myself... learn to love yourself! stop wasting your time hating and feel the love!

  12. i hate my put it that way, thus now i hate my life

  13. france hates all of the above. they just pretend to act like they think they love themselves to tick us off.

  14. stop acting like a douche.

  15. More or less

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