
Who hates sundays ??

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ok you get to lie about in pj's all day but seriosly sundays are c**p and boring the best thing is the sunday roast




  1. nothing good on t.v is there on a sunday, i dont much like roast i prefer junk food.

  2. I agree, Sundays are horrible

  3. my dad used to love the old sundays wander down to the pub 12 till 2 then stagger back and say to mother is my sunday dinner still hot and she would reply it should be its been on the back of the fire for the last half an hour...... good old days but now I hate then nothing to look forward to!!  

  4. I love sundays.Its muh ridin day.........There is a group of us that meet up every sunday and ride our dirt bikes and 4 wheelers. Sometimes we travel most days we just ride from my house We always have a blast. I start thinking about sundays on like thursday. Just bought a new toy the boys havn't seen yet. I guarentee theyll be eating my roost today........................Buy a atv then your sundays wont be c**p anymore lol  :)

  5. I hate sundays!! knowing that the next day you'll be having a boring day in school again.

    Why are weekends so short??!!

  6. I hate Sunday because I know that its school the next day

  7. Sundays are the best. I hate Wednesdays.  

  8. Haha Im Always Im My PJ At The Weekend =]

  9. kinda nice- get full takeaway with ma fam usually!

    just the fact that knowing monday is near gets me down!

    (HATE mondays)

    hope this helps!

    btw- interesting question!


  10. ??? man no offence but you are completely upside down

    i guess you like to be constantly occupied but really you need to learn how to relax :)

  11. sundays suk, there are more religios freaks out than normal

  12. i hate mondays but sundays are ok

  13. I need sundays to get c**p done that I've been leaving off for that particular week, so no.  

  14. yup i hate em, worstr day of the week

  15. I love Sundays! I get to go to work, get paid double time all day, which boosts my weekly pay by nearly $300. Do less work than during the week, then go to the pub afterwards with a workmate, have a couple of beers or more, then get takeaway on the way home and kick back and watch DVD's till I go to bed. BUT, I do miss the Sunday roast, I'm jealous with that.

  16. I hate Mondays. The only reason I would possibly hate Sundays is because Monday is coming after it.

  17. I don't mind this sunday - i'm off work for the next week - yeaahh

  18. During school they suck because it ends you weekend and hard to have fun...during summer everyday is saturday! woowoo

  19. Sundays are not my most favourite of days,usually very boring

  20. i love that!

  21. me. it means tommorow is monday. which means tommorow is school or work. i love long weekend sundays only. for obvious reasons


    oh. sunday roast is a bit of tradition. we only hjave roasts on sunday. although tonight we are having lamb shanks.....


  22. I think Sundays are c**p too!!!!!!!

    From PS2 Master!!!!!!!

  23. hate sundays? relax,no work. they're the best.only 2nd to saturday in my book.

  24. Well the simple answer is to get up earlier and get out there and make the day more interesting !!

  25. I hate sundays the most because its boring and on the next day youve got to go back to school! IT'S BORING!

  26. Sunday is the day to have breakfast late, go out for a nice walk, put on your roast and CHILL!

  27. i like having nothing much to do.

    and yeah, I love sunday roasts too.

    im gonna play some tennis today - I love sundays

  28. sunday mornings are better than monday mornings, i would rather have a boring day at home than a hectic day at work

  29. i hate sundays..

    bc you dont know what kinda c**p will come monday bc monday sucks.

    worst two days of them all.

    sunday bc your thinking about monday..

    && monday bc it is monday..


  30. I dont mind Sundays,tho sometimes I work , but not today! I went out dancing last night with my friend Gracie and had ablast so today is "recovery day"  No pot roast today, sorry!!!!!!!

  31. So what's boring about lazing around in your jammys all day, not bothering to wash, picking your nose and having a roast din mixed in with a bit of telly and the Internet?
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