
Who hates the Red Wings? I'm not even a hockey fan, and I can't stand to see them win another title. Crazy..

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  1. i do but i hate crosby and the pens more so i could handle another wings cup

  2. You might want to leave this section then because it's going to get crazy on Monday night after the Wings win.

    Go Wings!!!!!

  3. So even though you are not a hockey feel you can comment...go away...get a life. I don't cheer for either team, I just like good hockey. Loser.

  4. Jealous much?

  5. Why would you hate them other than the fact that they're good?  They're not dirty, classless, and they consistently get bad draft choices, b/c they finish high in the standings each year. However, their coaching, scouting, and front office is one of the best in the league.  Ex. Lidstrom in the 3rd, 53rd overall, Zetterberg in the 7th, 210th overall, Datsyuk in the 6th, 171st overall.)  And the first is considered the best D-man in the league, on his way to another Norris, and the latter two are being compared to the Pens two superstars, #1 and 2 overall picks.  d**n it feels good to be a Wings fan.

  6. Hi,

    i may get hate mail for this, but the Red Wings are the Yankees of US Hockey... gotta respect that

    GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!

  7. My husband loves ice hockey. His favorite used to be the Red Wings but now his favorite team is the Capitals (DC).

  8. Same here, i never really did like the team, but i really don't want them to win. I'm not that big of a penquins fan though because there are SOO  many bandwagoners


    too bad detroit is named hockeytown, but can't sell out their arena! how ironic?!?!


    GO DETROIT!!!!


    because...WE ARE THE BEST!!!

  11. Geezz Chris Pronger- how many different yahoo acounts do you have?????

  12. Too late.

  13. Hating me is a sign of respect, so I bask in your hatred.

    Hate me all you like. I've been a Wings fan for 40 years, through the Dark Days of Bruce Norris treating the team like a cash cow and stocking it with minor league players and coaches.

    Mike Illitch bought the team, hired the right people to run it, and the Wings have the best scouts in the world finding prospects in the strangest places.

    Let's see YOUR team find a Zetterberg in Round 6 or 7. Or a Lidstrom in the 3rd.

  14. I hate the Wing's, but I respect them and predicted they would manhandle the Penguins in 5 games.

    Pittsburgh isn't even the second best team in the league - they had (have) no chance against Detroit.

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