
Who hates to go places by stores ect...?

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I don't know if it's an anxiety thing or what, but I hate to go places by myself. When I'm with someone such as my bf or friend I'am fine. Sometimes I need to go to the gracery store, to the parking lot and can't go inside. Then I leave and say, 'oh, me and my bf can go later'. When I do finally get the courage to go alone I feel like people are staring and I get so annoyed.




  1. Im getting ready to take a 3 day trip this week by myself. Every now and then i just have to get away from everyone and get my head straight.

    I go to movies and museums by myself quite a bit. I find if i go to places like that with friends-well its fun but they dont take the stuff as seriously as i do and i really cant enjoy things or take my time looking around as i want to.

  2. I used to prefer going places and shopping with someone, maybe it does have something to do with anxiety -- but I got over it.  Now, I would rather go by myself.  I enjoy browsing, checking prices -- without my husband or friend huffing puffing and telling me to "Hurry up."  I even enjoy going to the movies by myself, and sitting by myself in a crowded restaurant relishing every bite of my meal without feeling rushed.

  3. I prefer it! It's the only time I get any peace!

  4. I like having my boyfriend along too.  I don't like being around a lot of people.  I have found it is often better to go to the grocery store at night after about 7 PM.  Less people in the store.  I'll even go shopping at 11 PM (I'm a night owl) some days.

  5. Is there something unusual about you that would actually attract people's attention?  If there is, then it might make sense that you like the company of someone else to attract attention away from you.  It's somewhat unusual to not want to be by yourself in public.

  6. i'm not big on going out by myself. But, I don't suffer any type of anxiety over it either. I prefer to be out w/my husband..driving is the same. I feel better with him driving..and when I drive I feel better if he's with me.

  7. maybe you should talk to your doctor to make sure this is not a problem in the beginning stages.  Better safe than sorry.  it seems to be a little over the top to be unable to go into a store.  

    the definition of a problem in this area is when the behavior is interfering with your life..and it seems that it is...if you can't buy food.

  8. Yeah, I have this problem, too. I hate it, but I refuse to live like that. I force myself to go inside and just do it. Trust me. I used to be soooo much worse. One day I just decided that I'm not going to live like that. Sure, you can go to the doctor and have them diagnose you with social anxiety disorder and give you pills to make life easier. But I refuse to be dependent on anything. The more I force myself to face my anxiety, the easier it gets. I think you should just do it! As a side note, I'm not trying to mock anyone with severe social anxiety disorder. I do believe there are cases that are so severe, they do warrant medication.

  9. I was that way when I was younger, but you begin to realize that things need to get done and you can't always have someone at your side. Just keeping busy with what you are out there for keeps your mind off of being uncomfortable. If you look around too most women are there by themselves.

  10. It could be an age thing.  Are you quite young?  Sometimes people feel like that when they're younger but once they realise that people don't bite (most people!), then they get better with it.

    If it isn't that, then it could be that you feel self conscious for other reasons which only you can admit (we can't see you so we can't tell what it could be - it might be nothing).  If that's the case, perhaps you could try to work on your self esteem (there are books, courses, internet sites etc).  

    Speak to your doctor about it and see if they can suggest anything to help.  

    Having the odd day where you feel a bit like you don't want to see anyone or go anywhere is pretty normal for many people, but being like that all the time could mean that there's something else going on with you, but don't despair, if that's the case then your doctor should be able to help point you in the right direction.

  11. Sounds like social anxiety to me, you're very perceptive. Talk to your doc about behavioral therapy and/or meds if needed.

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