
Who have you blocked and did you have a good reason for doing it?

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I have been thinking of blocking someone because they were horrible to me, if I do block them I will never unblock them, have you ever done that.




  1. I believe I only have one person blocked. And it's because she blocked

    me for no reason that I know of. Unless she has more than one avatar

    I haven't a clue as to who she really is. I hear she has alot of people

    blocked. Maybe so she can avoid getting reported or thumbs down

    which don't bother us, do they? I'd like to know what I've done to have

    her question my integrity. I'm here to enjoy the answers, not for any

    side games. It's a shame she blocks me, as there have been times I

    would like to have answered her questions.

  2. I've blocked this guy in GWS section, and I would never unblock him. He threaten to kill me. At first we had a few words when he emailed me, then I just blocked him. All over some comment I made about feminists.

  3. I've blocked a few people actually, I didn't realised I'd blocked so many.  

    I've blocked people who have wanted to be a fan of mine and when I looked at their Profile they they have a new account

    or I don't see them having answered any questions I have answered or asked

    as I know nothing about them and they have appeared out of nowhere I block them unless they have emailed me an introduced themselves.

    One person blocked me when she didn't like the answer I gave her.  She also emailed me abuse - she actually misunderstood what I said and seemed to have thought I said the opposite thing - she sounded schizophrenic, so I blocked her back.

    I blocked a male who sounded too friendly.  He answered a question I answered and he seemed to become a fan of any female he came across.  He was creepy so I blocked him.

    I've blocked people who have answered questions and abused the Asker.  I emailed the abuser with my concerns , then blocked them if they did not reply.

  4. I don't block anyone and my email option has always been open.

  5. The only time I've blocked is if I discover they blocked me ! Right now I have only one person blocked, he has an attitude when he posts answers. It is someone that usually stays in Sports-Baseball. Been blocking him for over one year.

    In the Seniors category here, I was blocked by three people at different times, they have all un-blocked me.  

  6. I have never ever blocked anyone and don't intend to start now. I have been blocked and still am blocked by a few. The last person that just blocked me, I sat back and thought about it for awhile and said what the heck, if they don't want to hear my opinion, that is their right. I come here to enjoy myself and to try to forget about some problems that I have and I sure don't need any more. I just ignore the ones that have me blocked and go on with my life. I assume the ones that have me blocked right now didn't like my opinion, but as I said, that is their right. If they never unblock me, that is still their choice, it does not and will not hurt my feelings one bit at all. There are always going to plenty of questions out there for me to answer if I want to. I always try to treat others as I want to be treated. I don't do the ''do unto others as they do to me'' either. If someone is or gets nasty with me, I ignore them. But to each is their own when it comes to blocking.

  7. Blocking is like wearing ear plugs YOU listen to me, but I don't have to hear you,    

  8. i have never blocked anyone, this is a computer, if things get to goofy i'll walk away..but i have reported abuse, for extremely vulgar language, racist, and insulting remarks...mostly on R & S, but i have reported a few on here.i'm not a prude, but please,   Probably kids, i don't want to think adults could be that goofy...i can hope at least.

  9. To date, haven't had any reason for blocking anyone.

  10. I block disrespectful and mean people and don't feel remotely sorry for it.  And no, I wouldn't unblock them.  There are certain people who must inject a personal attack into any discourse, and I have no patience for them. It almost never happens in the Seniors forum (in fact, I don't think I've blocked any of the regulars).  But I've stumbled across some meanies in the other sections (Polls and Surveys and Religion and Spirituality leap to mind).  I don't think they care -- it's the type of person who gets their jollies by antagonizing others, so they probably regard my blockage as a trophy.

  11. i blocked the person or thing that was sending the because it was a virus

  12. I haven't blocked anyone.  I'm a retired litigation paralegal so knowing that I got under someone's skin really badly is an aphrodisiac to me.  I try not to annoy my family but I figure strangers are fair game!! :-)

  13. Hello, Surely we are all long in the tooth to let insults etc from  strangers get to us, Why block ? you asked the question they answered, blocking in my mind is rude, so just move on as it would be so boring if all answers were the same. Variety is the spice of life. Just bring it on as in sticks and stones.

  14. I blocked Isotope and Wally because they are prejudice against Native Americans and make fun of us!!!  But, I unblocked Isotope but not Wally!

  15. No, I've never had any reason to block anyone.

    I'd say in your situation that if a person is being so horrible to you then block them. It will give you peace of mind and you won't be bothered by their nastiness.  

  16. I am blocked by the person who thinks she is building the Great

    Wall of China, and I can assure her she has NEVER recieved an

    email from me.

    I blocked her back, thought about it and refused to lower myself

    to her level and unblocked her.

    What an angry person she is!!!  Scary - I am glad she has blocked

    me I don't particularly want to answer her questions.

    If this is a whine - so be it!!!!

  17. I haven't blocked's not my style!

  18. I've blocked one or two, can't even tell you who they are.  I block people if they give disgusting answers.  I can't stand crudity.  I don't ask many questions though, so it doesn't really matter.

  19. No one right now.  Even if I did have someone blocked I wouldn't announce it on this forum.  That would be rude.  I have blocked people in the past, and might in the future if necessary.  The block function is there to protect yourself if it becomes necessary. When a person is blocked, only that person can't read your questions or email you.  All the other users can.  I think it's a perfectly legitimate action to take on occasion if you are being upset by hate-talk.  Those are the only people that I will block.  

    As you've read by now, there are some folks who block for the fun of it, creating their own little fantasy worlds where they are the king or queen and where they can dispense justice at the push of a button.  If that's what makes Y/A fun for them, then more power to them.  That's the purpose of Y/A after all-- to have a little fun and to talk to people that we enjoy talking to.

  20. I have never blocked anyone !  I figure I can give as good as I get ! If hate emails come I delete them.  I have no time for nonsense !

  21. I have never blocked anyone, but then no one has been horrible to me.

    Go ahead, you don't need the grief.

  22. I'm blocked by Lilly R and really happy about it!  Just makes me chuckle!  

  23. I've considered blocking one person, because they seem to want to have an argument with me all the time. But I haven't blocked them, since i really don't want to be like that.

    Edit: Well, I just went to answer a question, and I was blocked from it. Then, I looked to see who wrote it, and lo and behold, it was my little arguer. That's for the best. We probably would have just argued again. I'll just make sure I don't waste my time trying to answer one of her questions. Life goes on!

  24. I have a great reason for blocking people...

    I'm building the great wall of China right here in hicksville senior living center of mind control & conceptual BRAIN farts...ONE BLOCK AT A TIME.

    Soon I'll have my very own Village & all the idiots can sit outside & wonder what we're all doin in there or start their own tunnel & crawl in on their bellies as the ground slowing caves in around them.

    I have no love for the people I block.  Yet I so do love blocking them & listening to them whine about it day after day after day.  They are vicious humans & they have shown themselves to be nothing less than a headache with their silly emails they have sent to me attempting to tell me how "wrong" I am and how I should TRUST them & on & on & on!  I wish I could publish all the trash I've received in my emails from these fine fine people who often pray for me, then call me a troll.

    :oP ``````````I drool on you who don't like the movie "Throw Momma From The Train", ok?

  25. I have blocked one really nasty person who

    pulled me up on my grammar I could not believe the e-mail she sent me.

    I wrote back and told her my only daughter had just died, and my younger son was very badly handcapped, and the reason my grammar wasn't up to her standerds  was because I spent my youth in hospital with tuberclousis.

    Then she wrote back do you want me to feel sorry for you, should I feel sorry for Richard Dawkinsand that is the reason I blocked her,

    I was so sure she was a mental case, couldn,t believe she was sane.

  26. hi . i have never blocked anyone . i really like the " feedback " i get .

    have a great day .d.

  27. I block those that block me first, I used to block when someone told us to report and block but those days are over.

  28. This is in the wrong section and also yes I have but one reason was because they harrased me and the other was because they were just annoying.

  29. Jenny,

    I haven't blocked anyone but that doesn't mean I wouldn't.

    BTW, you're in the right section.

  30. Jessie, this is NOT in the wrong section if she wants to post in Seniors, we do not stick by "section" rules all the time, that is what makes us special here.

    I don't think I have blocked anyone that I know of.  I  did report a guy for asking questions about small boys that were obviously inappropriate if you read all his questions on his profile.

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