
Who have you instantly connected with?

by Guest33884  |  earlier

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What were the signs of the people who you felt at once comfortable around?

What's your sign?

I'm a Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon, Gemini Rising.

I've connected instantly with Libra, Scorpio and Cancer.




  1. Im a Aries Sun, Aries Moon, and Gemini Rising

    I connect instantly with : Leo,   Scorpio, and Sagittaius

  2. i'm pisces sun, virgo moon and libra rising. i'd say i instantly connect with earth signs, especially capricorn. i feel really comfortable around air signs like librans, i'd say 'cause of my rising. i guess you could say i feel at home with water signs, especially pisceans, and i don't get along with fire signs at all, not unless i really get to know them, they just get on my nerves.

  3. im an aries double and I connect with other aries easily and the air signs,oh and sagittarians are pretty mad but they can act stupidly and dumb sometimes, I get along with anyone really except for some scorpios and virgo people and I can really p**s them off, coz sometimes I just let go and act like im on drugs and some people hate it .

  4. Aquarius sun, scorpio moon, aries rising

    Instantly, i connect with capricorns and virgos and that's easy to know since i have 5 planets having fun in capricorn so, earth signs, here i am :P (and its normally them that come after me, not the other way around :D )

    tauris do come my way too but its not as easy as it is with caps and virgos

    i dont have any serious problem with any sign though... i just connect better with those 2 (virgos and caps)

  5. Gemini, Aquarius, Leo. Socially, I get along best with those 3.

    I'm a Libra.

  6. Im a cap. and i usually connect with virgo and taurus.

  7. I'm a Pisces sun and moon and I instantly connect with Virgo guys and Pisces girls. To a lesser extent Cancers of both signs and Capricorn guys.  

  8. I'm a Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising, and I have connected instantly with a Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, and a Sag.

  9. I'm a Scorpio, moon in Virgo, and Aries rising.

    I've felt comfortable right off with Pisces.  I've also felt instantaneously at peace with Libras.  Same with other Scorpios. Oh yeah and Cancers.  Wow pretty much the same as you.

  10. aquarius sun

    taurus moon

    cancer rising

    scorpio, cancer, taurus,

  11. I'm a Pisces and I connected instantly with an Aquarius.

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