
Who here agrees the mainstream media should be abolished and replaced with nothing?

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Seriously, ponder they really do anyone except corporate power people a service? Are they really a help to society or a poxx that posions people minds and conditions them to give into fear and not care about issues but rather celebrities. Lets watch celebrities lifestyles and not care about actual, real news. Why not restore the media and make it what it should be: to serve the publics interests by informing them in a non-biased way, a nice truthfull, balanced way and promote good, outstanding journalism that doesn't lie or twist minds.




  1. I completely agree with you, but something is always better than nothing. And abolishing all media outlets just leaves us more ignorant than we already are!!

  2. There is all sorts of news stories out there. I'm not denying that some of it is not worth the time of day. But guess what? You don't have to read it. Or watch it. There is plenty of good stuff out there, if you know where to look.

    The more informed we are, the better off we are.

  3. I have stopped watching both network and cable news.

    The media has become a very successful brain washing machine.

    Their mainly Liberal agenda is so bloody obvious it is absolutely sickening.

    Most of the loyal viewing sheep believe we are in a recession thanks to the medias campaign to get a LibDem elected this year. We aren't in a recession though.

    I am old enough to remember when news programs actually reported the news without slanting it with underlying cheap shots at non Liberal Democrat government at every turn

    As far as entertainment....we have reality shows. Lots of friggen reality shows. Some are ok, but the trend is to numb peoples minds with distracting tripe.

    Yahoo, Fox, and every other information outlet always ensures the stories they present includes some idiotic, useless garbage having to do with celebrity or American Idol.

    What a load of bullshite that is.

    Before we know it, our lives will belong to a malicious entity because of the media.

  4. Sounds like a good idea, but then, who would watch the news.  Americans want to be entertained.  Oprah, Springer, Dr. Phil , American Idol is all they are interested in.

  5. Best way  a good idea, but then, who would watch the news. Americans want to be entertained.

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