
Who here also hates the Thunder as a team name?

by  |  earlier

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I really don't like singular team names and here's why.

"He's the best thunder since..."

"I'm proud to be a Thunder"

Also Thunder is stupid because you can't see it meaning that I'm only going to hear Kevin Durant but not see him.




  1. I don't like that name but I'll get Use to it, though they do represent Oklahoma City.

  2. They shouldve named it: Oklahoma City Filons(Fee-lohns)

  3. Wuz up-

    I agree,it is a horrible name.It sounds like a WNBA team name,as someone said above me.

    I personally would have selected Bisons or Barons out of the selected choices.If I had the choice to pick my own,I would select the Oklahoma City "Orange".After the Syracuse Orange.

    I'm out peace

  4. Me

  5. I actually like the name... cuz where the team is located...but ya the logo is weird!

  6. ha your right it is retarded couldnt they find up a better name well thats sooners for ya

  7. Do you think Heat is bad?

    Dwyane Wade is one of the best Heat players ever.

    Durant is one of the best Thunder players ever.

    Both sound bad.

    I also don't like Jazz.

    Stockton was the best Jazz.

    sounds really bad.

    Basically, I just don't like team names which are mass nouns (nouns you can't count).

  8. The name had potential... its just those jerseys, so plain and boring.

  9. It sounds like a WNBA name. They should have been named either the bandits or outlaw. Thunder just sounds awful.

  10. Now that You put it that way I'm starting to hate it but It's also funny!

  11. Clay Bennett is a horrible person, he stole the sonics from Seattle and the fans.

  12. its dumb i would of prefer thundercats  

  13. Is a g*y name... Sounds like a group of lil kids name.  

  14. I sounds more like a WNBA team name

  15. plus the logo looked really stupid , i can only imagine how terrible the uniforms are gonna look  , they really should have gone with Outlaws , it sounds cooler

  16. I dooo

    there colors are ugly 2

  17. I don't like it either. It's not very threatening.

  18. Thunder is g@y they should have been called the Outlaws

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