
Who here believes in the "secret" using the universe and your thoughts in which lead your life?

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if u know what the secret is then u know what my queestion is asking and i really wanna hear your story.. if u dont get this ???? plz go get the book, and doccumentary called "the Secret"




  1. A friend of mine who was a satanist told me back in 1983 that satanism was going to disguise itself as self-help and get alot of people away from God and religion. She said the message would be "you create your reality" meaning you are god and God is irrelevant.

    I believe if you change reality to meet your expectations (it IS possible) you will get lost in a web of conflicting desires and lose yourself. If you try and shape YOURSELF to meet circumstances (ala Saint Francis: see the prayer of St. Francis below,)  you will find that the world is perfect and you have everything you need,

    Seek yourself  =  lose yourself

    Forgetting self = gaining yourself and the whole world.

    The "Secret" is satanism and you will lose yourself in it, irregardless of whether you believe in God.

  2. Nu uh.. Way too busy!

  3. Secret Door, follow the path.

  4. I personally loved the book. I read it at a time that I was a real low in my life and I needed hope and inspiration. I knew I had problems and issues, and this book helped save me. I was so negative about my life and my world, and how nothing was ever going to change, and how I would never succeed in my future. My biggest problem was the negativity. I always spoke to myself in a bad way. So, for me, this is the book the set my mind free! Now that that has happened I am so happy. I love my life, and am so grateful for everything that I do have. This does not mean there are not things that I don't have or things that I wish were different, but you take the good with the bad and decide how it is going to effect you everyday.

    I suggest this book to a lot of people, but you really have to have the right frame of mind to walk away from it and gain the new perspective.

    Thanks for reading.

  5. the mind is a powerful instrument....use it.

  6. The "secret" is a bunch of new age hogwash.

    I believe the Bible.

    People who buy into that "secret" stuff should probably stop watching Oprah so much and get a life.  The same people who believe that nonsense are the ones who are so gago over Obama right now and believe all his campaign rhetoric too.

  7. i watched the documentary 'the secret' and i think the ideas are okay. sometimes it's true that things happen based from what your thinking. the documentary's main point is somewhat similar to the line in the book 'the alchemist' by paulo coelho: when you really want something, the universe conspires...i don't remember anymore the exact words but it says like that.

    personally, if i feel good about everything...everything around me seems good or sunny also.but inevitably, everyday i am confronted with 'bad' stuffs so i tend to lose the good thoughts and things turned dark and gloomy.

    our thougths control our actions which affect every aspect of our lives.

  8. sounds too off beat to me, too new agey. God made you, go to His manual, His Book to see which way to go in your life

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