
Who here does their long run on Sunday morning?

by  |  earlier

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If so, how long do you usually run and how far did you go today?




  1. I ran at 7 am.  I went 8 miles but I am a experienced runner.  If you aren'tt mabey 5 miles or 4 miles.  Just do a little more than you did last week.  Thats what I do.  Make sure you dont eat before you do it.  Also you should do some sort of a warm-up.  Last Drink ALOT of water :D Have Fun

  2. I do my long runs on Saturday mornings, and it ranges between 10 mi and 21 mi, depending on where I am at in my training and of course, how I feel that day.

  3. i don't run on sundays that much but if i do i only do like 3 miles

  4. i run on a cross country team and i normally run for 60 minutes a day, and i run it about 7 minute pace so i get in on average about 10 miles every sunday.

  5. actually,

    the only day i dont run is sunday.

    but other wise mon-fri. 6-8 miles

    and sat. mornings 5-6 miles.

    hope i helped.

  6. in the olden days sunday used to be an hour or more day.

    Now that I'm older, 5 miles is about it

  7. my coaches tell us to do about 8 to 10 miles on sundays

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