
Who here has 'kicked' their past drug habit?

by  |  earlier

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just out of sheer curiosity

are you glad you did?




  1. I've been clean and sober for about two years now and I'm very glad.

    I started on all sorts of drugs when I was thirteen - ecstasy, weed, heroin and cocaine. By the time I was 14, I was a heroin addict and a heavy drinker. I lied and stole to get money for drugs and it was all I wanted to do. My family didn't really try to help me and all my friends gave up on me after a while. I was a horrible person and eventually lost all of my friends and family. My girlfriend got pregnant when I was 16 and had my son when I was 17. We both did drugs throughout the pregnancy and are very lucky that it didn't make my son ill, or kill him. She then left us two weeks after giving birth and I became a single Dad. I was scared, I didn't know what to do and I was still taking drugs. I decided that I wanted to give up, so that I could be a good Dad.

    It took me a long time, I kept giving in and having to start all over again. I developed schizophrenia and severe depression and tried to kill myself many times. I had a good doctor helping me and my family were beginning to support me again. There wasn't a minute of it that was easy and I was admitted into hospital after being considered a danger to myself and others. There, I was sedated because I would get violent.

    There have been so many times where I felt like going back to heroin. I could have easily given in and started again and it's been hard to fight that temptation. I still have days when I crave for it and have flashbacks of when I did take drugs. My eldest son has died of leukemia and I've lost my sister to suicide. Every day is hard and I sometimes feel like giving up and turning to drugs, but I know what it was like. And being clean and sober is so much better.

  2. I am 53 and have been clean and sober since April 11th 2005. (almost 3 &1/2 years.

    I have somked pot, snorted coke, quualdues, speed, valium, alchohol, Thai sticksome others. I went through rehab and everyone up there was there for their 3rd, 4th, 6th time. I said I was going to be a 1 time engagemnent.

    My second wife left me after 26 months clean, and my church shunned me. I had every excuse in the world to start up again. But I didn't.

    The reason is I thought I was getting clean to save my marriage, but in the end, I was getting clean for me. That is the only way it will work.

    Am I glad, YEESSSS. When I think back on the idiotic **** i did when I was high, it amaxes me that I am alive today.

    If you are struggling and WANT help, then get it but not if you are pressured into it.

  3. I smoked cannabis which wasn't really a habit but brought on underlying mental health issues.I stopped using that and my nan died and I started to use crack cocaine.I am so glad I stopped I have been clean for 8 months and would never look back,it changes you into a completely different person,not nice.Better to live a normal happy life rather than wake up thinking where to get your next money for drugs.

  4. the answer to that would be yes and no.Yes financially, health wise, and physicall. You are able to appreciate and clarify what is really important in your lifes, i.e friends family careesr etc.

    And no because your entiire social life and structure has focused around drugs and in my case i have lost all these by becoming clean which leads a void and an islotation in your lifes.

    making a new life for yourselves with clean living working society is something x addicts find exceptionally difficult to do.leading to increasing feelings of depression and anxiety.

    So to summarise becoming a drug user ruined my life and to a large extent still is even though i am now clean.But yes i am now glad that i  am clean and wished id never started using in the first place but my life is in a better place than it was.

    hope this helps


  5. i did and have never been happier

  6. I never had a drug habit and never will.

  7. well i used to be addicted to heroin and i no longer do it now.  im happy about that because it took over my life and it made me live an unhealthy lifestyle.  i also got very sick when withdrawing from it.  it sucked.  more recently i stopped smoking pot. i am only doing this because i am trying to get a better job. i am not happy about quitting marijuana because that has only benefited my life. i dont believe that me smoking marijuana effects my performance on the job whatsoever, whether i am high on the job, or just whether i smoke after it. i think all drugs should be legal.  my friend recently overdosed and died from heroin because he didnt know the strength of the dose because he got it from a street dealer instead of being able to buy it in a store where it would be of known purity and potency.

  8. I've been clean and sober for almost 3 years. And YES I'm glad I did it.

    I was smoking pot, pills, cocaine, crack, drank like a fish. Realized one day that my kids were more important and my husband who was the main influence for them is out of the picture. Much happier now that I don't get up every morning and wonder how I'm gonna get high today. Crack was the worst. It took everything I have and I put my youngest daughter's life in danger many times because she would be in the car with me when I'd go and get it. Had gun pulled on me once with her in the backseat... So I'm very proud of myself and will never go back to that lifestyle. It leads you to nowhere.

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